18 thoughts on “Is this what they call a barnraising?

  1. For Chris’s first suspension he asked me for Angel!! This kid is awesome…I must say thanx to Spam and Benny for helping all three days we were there……

  2. For Chris’s first suspension he asked me for Angel!! This kid is awesome…I must say thanx to Spam and Benny for helping all three days we were there……

  3. Feel bad correcting you verno, but its hard to distinguish who is hanging. I’m Josh (you can call me “the BIG JERSH” as wel), not Chris, but Chris went up right after me and his suspension went well too! Go Modblog!

  4. Feel bad correcting you verno, but its hard to distinguish who is hanging. I’m Josh (you can call me “the BIG JERSH” as wel), not Chris, but Chris went up right after me and his suspension went well too! Go Modblog!

  5. BTW, IAM: Benito and Spam did a great job throwing my hooks. Also, I couldn’t have done it without ben’s support. Thanx buddy!

  6. BTW, IAM: Benito and Spam did a great job throwing my hooks. Also, I couldn’t have done it without ben’s support. Thanx buddy!

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