54 thoughts on “Medic Alert Tattoos

  1. Kudos for the artist using the proper medical symbol, too — the staff of Aesclepius (one snake) rather than the caduceus of Hermes (two snakes).

  2. wow. that’s amazing. i love tattoos. and I like how she added the stars and made it look “pretty.”

  3. Tux: the person is allergic to penicillins and clindamycin, it’s not one phrase but two different drugs Jocelyn’s allergic to

  4. Since you can’t prove a negative (no such thing as psychics) the burden of proof lies with the believers.

    So prove to me that psychics DO exist. I haven’t seen any proof yet, and until I do… no such thing IMO.

  5. yes- I’m allergic to both penicillins and clindamycin, which is the most commonly prescribed antibiotic when someone is allergic to penicillin. It’s apparently unusual to be allergic to both, or so I’m told.
    As to the arguing about whether or not it indicates any kind of psychic abilities? Well- it’s always easy after the fact to say “I knew that was going to happen!” but the real trick is to say these things BEFORE they happen. 😛
    but you two seem to have fun arguing, so…as you were!

  6. I see where most people would think this is a good idea.. but there’s actually a problem with that. Well.. maybe not a problem, just an issue.

    Most medical personnel are trained to LOOK for medical alert WEAR. So its a quick look at the neck, wrists and ankles for any kind of apparell, and if there’s none, its assumed there’s no important previous medical Hx. As much as having it tattooed there seems obvious, during an emergency situation, most proffesionals WON’T stop to admire or look closely at tattoos, especially, in this case, since its surrounded with “decorative stars” that make it look even more so like just a tattoo.

    Like i said.. i see where the idea comes from and I know its intent, but from the side of a med. proffesional, wearing the jewelry from the actual Medic Alert foundation is the best and most certain way to relay any important medical info, otherwise it’s likely to get missed.

    Another thing that most people don’t realise is that Medic Alert isn’t just a bracelet/necklace/anklet with stuff written on it. There’s actually a 1-800 hotline where health prof. can call and get extensive medical info on that particular patient. So once again, wearing the hardware offers much more information and much quicker.

    That said.. i still like the tattoo!

  7. It could well be a form of psychic ability, it could also be conincidence or intuition. However which way you see it and whatever you beleive in, it’s strange and amazing and a wonderful piece of art.

  8. I was just re-reading what i wrote..

    I guess i just wanted to say, that its a cool idea, and a smart idea, but i wanted to make sure that even though you might have your medic alert jewelry tattooed onto you, it shouldn’t replace it. Its just important to have atleast the actual medic alert.

    yeah.. that sounds less negative.

  9. my left arm is in latin, for my now-deceased cat Shiva, and it translates as “even the Gods find it hard to love and be wise at the same time.”

    LeaveThePoliticsToMadmen – I hear what you’re saying…and I did my research first, trust me. I didn’t want to deal with the jewelery, basically. That sounds dismissive, I know – but I simply do not wear bracelets or watches, ever. They make me insane, if I don’t lose them first – I got some really small wrists! I do know many medical professionals, amongst them being several paramedics and ER nurses. ALL of them said that it was an excellent idea, they would notice it, & they would utilize the info.
    The true test has already been taken and passed – when it did get used, I was unconscious when the paramedics arrived, they asked if I had medic alert info, and one of my friends said, “yes, on her wrist” and apparently he didn’t even hesitate when he saw it was a tattoo.
    Hell, even my doctor loves it and thought it was an excellent idea.

  10. Mr Kibbles…. I’m sorry…. Boobs?? Girly Figure???

    No offence to her but… she’s doesnt HAVE any boobs and she doesn’t HAVE a figure.. let alone a girly one. Thats what happens to thin people. not saying she’s purposefully doing it.. she’s probly that way naturally.. but boobs and a girly figure don’t go with stick thin. Sorry.

    I see no boobs. And i’m sorry but if you call that a girly figure.. there are alot of men out there who look like girls right now to you.

  11. LeaveThePoliticsToMadmen – Yeah, your second post sound a lot less negative.

    I’m not sure where you come from, but where I work even if the tattoo has little stars around it we’re gonna see it. Esp. on her wrist. While I believe the med alert hardware is a great idea, the tattoo is a great kind of flashing neon sign.
    She’s even got the beginning of a Caduceus Charm there which would draw our attention more while we were working on her.
    Kudos for the comments though.

  12. She has a nice body, but upon seeing her page, I have come to the conclusion that she doesn’t ever wear a shirt.

  13. I was thinking of suggesting that same thing to my husband since he has a surgical implant that precludes him from ever having an MRI again (or it’ll heat up, short circuit, or explode or something).

  14. *filthy* – thanks for your response, i was really wondering what motivating factors you had to decide on this.

    When I say i wouldn’t “see” the tattoo during an emerg situation, i don’t mean like, literally can’t see it, I mean its more like.. kinda like the big picture of things. If you have a bunch general tattoos on you, there’s nothing really that attract you that specifc med. alert one. That being said, you did choose wisely on the wrist part, since that would be where the jewerly is. I only said that really because i’ve happened to be trauma rooms when a patient comes in, and honestly, the last things we pay attention to are tattoos.. after a trauma, i couldn’t recall any tattoos on someone, and as I said before, we simply check for any jewelry/med. alert hardware. I’m happy to hear that it still did pass the test.. that’s obviously a good sign. And I totally understand.. i have to wear a medic alert bracelet and god KNOWS I never wear it. Problem is, my have so much information for it that it doesnt fit on the jewelry.. this the important of actually being REGISTERED with the medic alert society so that you can have a 1-800 file number on the bracelet with your past med. hx. .. I suppose if you are registed, you could tattoo your hotline number next to it, or something.

    Also, I’m positive.. infact i’m 110% sure that this whole medic alert hardware checking protocol changes from region to region.. its really all about training.. of course medic alert will always say its a bad idea, becaues they lose money this way, but even us nurses and doctors are trained to discourage NOT wearing your jewelry … we even discourage buying the “fake” Medic Alert jewelry you see in drug stores, since it really does help if you can’t fit all your info on the back of it.

    I’m releived to know it worked for you though… that’s always a good sign. Its also a sign that maybe health professionals are coming around to realizing that you know.. checking for a med alert tattoo is just as important.

    No doubt you are on to something.. i’m sure its going to be a growing trend for people with important past med. hx to get them tattoo in an easily visible area. You’re a pionneer! 🙂

    Also… everyone here is saying how they too are allergic to those two medications… there’s a simple explanation for that.. Penicillin is one of the more commonly used drug for infection. Usually an allergic is either immediate or develops over continued use.. but then they get switch to Clindamycin or Metronidazol, which is becoming more and more popular.. which means more people are using it over and over.. and this is how allergies develop often times, if they don’t have it right off the bat. Its all on a timeline of usage and replacement meds. Don’t be surprised if you allergic-to list of antibiotics grows over time!

  15. *filthy* – thanks for your response, i was really wondering what motivating factors you had to decide on this.

    When I say i wouldn’t “see” the tattoo during an emerg situation, i don’t mean like, literally can’t see it, I mean its more like.. kinda like the big picture of things. If you have a bunch general tattoos on you, there’s nothing really that attract you that specifc med. alert one. That being said, you did choose wisely on the wrist part, since that would be where the jewerly is. I only said that really because i’ve happened to be trauma rooms when a patient comes in, and honestly, the last things we pay attention to are tattoos..

    after a trauma, i couldn’t recall any tattoos on someone, and as I said before, we simply check for any jewelry/med. alert hardware. I’m happy to hear that it still did pass the test.. that’s obviously a good sign. And I totally understand.. i have to wear a medic alert bracelet and god KNOWS I never wear it. Problem is, my have so much information for it that it doesnt fit on the jewelry.. this the important of actually being REGISTERED with the medic alert society so that you can have a 1-800 file number on the bracelet with your previous medical hx. .. I suppose if you are registed, you could tattoo your hotline number next to it, or something.

    Also, I’m positive.. infact i’m 110% sure that this whole medic alert hardware checking protocol changes from region to region.. its really all about training.. of course medic alert will always say its a bad idea, becaues they lose money this way, but even us nurses and doctors are trained to discourage NOT wearing your jewelry … we even discourage buying the “fake” Medic Alert jewelry you see in drug stores, since it really does help if you can’t fit all your info on the back of it.

    I’m releived to know it worked for you though… that’s always a good sign. Its also a sign that maybe health professionals are coming around to realizing that you know.. checking for a med alert tattoo is just as important.

    No doubt you are on to something.. i’m sure its going to be a growing trend for people with important past med. hx to get them tattoo in an easily visible area. You’re a pionneer! 🙂

    Also… everyone here is saying how they too are allergic to those two medications… there’s a simple explanation for that.. Penicillin is one of the more commonly used drug for infection. Usually an allergic is either immediate or develops over continued use.. but then they get switch to Clindamycin or Metronidazol, which is becoming more and more popular.. which means more people are using it over and over.. and this is how allergies develop often times, if they don’t have it right off the bat. Its all on a timeline of usage and replacement meds. Don’t be surprised if you allergic-to list of antibiotics grows over time!

  16. uuuggghh so sorry about that… as if it wasnt long enough! i got a weird “duplicate comment” message… i dunno.

  17. I was tought in a first aid course recently that you do look for allergy tattoos now because they are becoming popular. I like it, especially with the added stars.

  18. Jocelyn, not only do i think your tattoo is just a brilliant idea… good gracious you’re beautiful! the Latin tattoo is just gorgeous, i spent forever trying to discern it before i just went ahead and read the comments. *rolls her eyes at herself* but most of all i just adore the twin rows of stars on your stomach. makes me wish my IAM account hadn’t expired so i could see more pictures.

  19. Paul – BOO!! yes. i’m terrifying.

    LeaveThePoliticsToMadmen- All excellent points. I guess the best way to explain myself is that it was the tattoo or nothing – I haven’t registered with Medic Alert’s database, though if I did, I’d likely just get the file no. added to the tattoo.

    NormalNorm – nice. i’m not a stick, actually.

    Amanda – of course I wear shirts. Just not when I’m taking pics of my mods, most of which are located on my torso. 😉

  20. I love the Tattoo, I’ve heard of a couple others doing it.
    Seeing as that’s the first place I’d look for a Medic Alert bracelet I’d totally take note of it. Besides, as was said it passed the first test already! Glad you ended up alright too doll. -From one skinnysexychick to another. *wink*

  21. NormalNorm -this girl is gorgeous and she has a beautiful figure. Boobs mean nothing, there’s no need to be so negative,everyone has there own shape. Mr kibbles likes her body and who would blame him..anyways I really like the tattoo filthy.

  22. This argument has come up before. I like that now it’s actually been tested (although, my sympathies go to you *filthy* for being in a situation where it was tested). I think MedicAlert tattoos are a good thing for some people. I have little wrists too, and let me tell you, finding a bracelet which fits properly isn’t easy. I personally wouldn’t add decorations to it (although I can understand doing so). I think that there are a couple of important considerations for a tattoo like this though. Placement is a big one. Even if as a medic you are trained to look for the Medic Wear, I have a feeling that, while any other tattoo might not be noted, you would pick up on something that said Medic Alert on someone’s wrist, assuming the tattoo was face up. The brain just works that way. I would register with the database and have my information included in the tattoo as well. I can’t see any reason not to. I would also make sure friends, family, and my doctor, etc., knew about it. There are a lot of people who, for what ever reason, SHOULD but WON’T wear the bracelets. It’s a good alternative. I might be over cautious about that stuff though. I had a friend so violently allergic to peanuts, his throat closed off if he ate a peanut crumb. He had attacks all the time, actually went through the trouble of getting an epi-pen, and then not only didn’t carry it, but didn’t even know where it was. Drove me mad.

  23. I think she’s fucking sexy, but I like skinny girls. Wonderful mods aside (which they are, I really like the stars and the way they follow her figure), I’m driven to want to pick her up and play with her. Wish I still had an IAM account so I could see more.

  24. Your underwear in the photo looks like this pair of underwear I have that has the Cookie Monster on it, and says YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY on it! ^_^ Gorgeous hair too~

  25. Ok, I’ve been wanting to get a Medic Alert tattoo for awhile. One with my MA member actual number as I have multiple allergies (including penicillian) and meds. That this looks so good and actually worked convinces me I’m on the right track with my design for it. Thanks!!

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