So I got this picture of of Tap sitting by a wise old tree looking out over the water in Kankakee, Illinois, and I thought, what a wonderful and serene picture of a BMEboy with some great ritual scar work. Then I discovered he was a Peeping Tom… Continue reading to see what he was looking at down at the base of the cliff.
Just joking of course! I do not think Kankakee State Park visitors often find themselves so lucky, nor would I fault Tap for staring!
My god! What happened to her face?!
My god! What happened to her face?!
she must’ve just wandered into a blurry spot. bigfoot does that all the time.
she must’ve just wandered into a blurry spot. bigfoot does that all the time.
haha @brandenlouis. that made my day. (is that sad?)
haha @brandenlouis. that made my day. (is that sad?)
brandenlouis. . you’re amazing.
brandenlouis. . you’re amazing.
7 days.
7 days.
Looks like she has a lot of metal in her labia.
Looks like she has a lot of metal in her labia.
No, her face was just “fuzzed” digitally.
No, her face was just “fuzzed” digitally.
she’s a victim of the ring video tape
she’s a victim of the ring video tape
lol at 8!
lol at 8!
Lol at 2 and 8. 😀
Lol at 2 and 8. 😀