28 thoughts on “Dan Does Dots.

  1. I absolutely adore it! The flower on the left shoulder looks like older work or work by a different artist though, am I right?

  2. wonderful!and the way it extends to the arms is really beatifully made…or isn’t that an extension of the backpiece? :x…anyway..lovely work…i’m jealous xD

  3. Wow, thanks for all your loovely comments!
    The flower on my left shoulder is by Tomas at Into You London, he also did my arms. The rest of my back is all Dan’s work. He also did my feet and is lined up to do my legs and hands next!

  4. I always love his work he’s booked marked on my laptop. lol
    makes me think of getting something with that style because it’s so beautiful and reminds me of when i was really into henna.

    stunning work.

  5. I’ve always loved dotwork tats, and now i think i’m in love. sigh… to bad there’s no amazing dotwork artists in australia, i guess i’ll have to save to go to the UK or Germany.. one can dream..
    also seeing the before and after shots one after the other is amazing! it’s kept pretty much alll of its intensity and detail! *drools*

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