Ha ha, another young woman with geeky hand tattoos! This usually goes over well, right? (Says the wearer: “Got this tattoo the morning after halloween. I was sufficiently hungover … probably still drunk. Cheers!”)
(Tattoo by Joe Miller at Tribe Tattoo in Denver, Colorado.)
See more in “Hand Tattoos“ (Tattoos)
reminds of the lyrics goes a little something like this “I’ll slap U in the face with 9 inches of limp dick”
reminds of the lyrics goes a little something like this “I’ll slap U in the face with 9 inches of limp dick”
I would expect it to read more like face
I would expect it to read more like face
I guess if you hit with that part of the hand, it would be brilliant. personally, when I saw it I thought “what do the fingers say to the face??? smack, bitch!!!”
her attitude is rawr.
I guess if you hit with that part of the hand, it would be brilliant. personally, when I saw it I thought “what do the fingers say to the face??? smack, bitch!!!”
her attitude is rawr.
oops I forgot that html doesn’t show. I meant face
Just without the asterisk
oops I forgot that html doesn’t show. I meant face
Just without the asterisk
Screw my comment. Nevermind.
Hahah. I hate HTML.
Screw my comment. Nevermind.
Hahah. I hate HTML.
loved it…and that tattoo with the attitude?priceless…
loved it…and that tattoo with the attitude?priceless…
I actually like this tattoo a lot. And besides, she’s a cutie
I actually like this tattoo a lot. And besides, she’s a cutie
your html is brokens! needs to be !
your html is brokens! needs to be !
damn. didn’t work. needs to be
but with the thingies.
damn. didn’t work. needs to be
but with the thingies.
No, but see, this is okay, because she has sleeves. Obviously that makes geeky hand tattoos all right, because, like, um…. something….
No, but see, this is okay, because she has sleeves. Obviously that makes geeky hand tattoos all right, because, like, um…. something….
doesn’t make sense. stupid tattoo.
doesn’t make sense. stupid tattoo.
Maybe it’s my brutal lack of proper HTML knowledge, but that doesn’t make sense.
Maybe it’s my brutal lack of proper HTML knowledge, but that doesn’t make sense.
it means:
begin slap, end face.
or at least with my rudimentary knowledge of html. duh.
it means:
begin slap, end face.
or at least with my rudimentary knowledge of html. duh.
What gorgeous lips. I’d like to plant a smacker on them!
What gorgeous lips. I’d like to plant a smacker on them!
Begin slap. End face? Don’t get it…
Begin slap. End face? Don’t get it…
Invalid xml alert!
Invalid xml alert!
I bet her myspace page isn’t html 3.0 compliant
I bet her myspace page isn’t html 3.0 compliant
If you’re gonna get a geeky tattoo, get a nerd to make sure the html is correct first
If you’re gonna get a geeky tattoo, get a nerd to make sure the html is correct first
This is my tattoo and yes the html IS correct, as KYL so graciously explained it for you.
This is my tattoo and yes the html IS correct, as KYL so graciously explained it for you.
This is not html (there are no slap and face keywords in html), so this is xml. So where is start face and end slap ?
This is not html (there are no slap and face keywords in html), so this is xml. So where is start face and end slap ?
i highly doubt this tattoo was supposed to analyzed and taken apart bit by bit. its supposed to be FUNNY! which it is btw! i like this html tattoo waay better than the legit ones ive seen because this one works with the english language too. like begin the slap, and end with the face. smack a bitch!
i highly doubt this tattoo was supposed to analyzed and taken apart bit by bit. its supposed to be FUNNY! which it is btw! i like this html tattoo waay better than the legit ones ive seen because this one works with the english language too. like begin the slap, and end with the face. smack a bitch!
much agreed with severed and nate. it was what i was trying to say in the beginning.
much agreed with severed and nate. it was what i was trying to say in the beginning.
she looks more heavily modified than the stfu noob chick, and also she looks like she is a better person.
she looks more heavily modified than the stfu noob chick, and also she looks like she is a better person.
“so this is xml”
Not really, it’s not well-formed and it’s missing the DTD to boot. It would cause any properly built XML parser to fail.
“so this is xml”
Not really, it’s not well-formed and it’s missing the DTD to boot. It would cause any properly built XML parser to fail.
Is she the new Alpha-Girl?
Is she the new Alpha-Girl?
i love it!
i love it!
Man, people take things very literally. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t aiming for an actual, usable piece of html code on her hands… I think it’s pretty funny!
Man, people take things very literally. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t aiming for an actual, usable piece of html code on her hands… I think it’s pretty funny!
#25 yep, i forgot prosessing tag and root, xsd or dtd is not mandatory. #22 you are correct, ranting is fun but better stop now
#25 yep, i forgot prosessing tag and root, xsd or dtd is not mandatory. #22 you are correct, ranting is fun but better stop now
i work with kristie, and while we were laughing at all the comments, we would like to point out one simple thing: it cant ACTUALLY be html, because there IS no html code for “slap face”. you cant make a computer, or a code, “slap face”.
plus, without the backslash, her hands would just be continously slapping back and forth. not good for a tattoo artist; she needs to be able to use her hands.
: )
i work with kristie, and while we were laughing at all the comments, we would like to point out one simple thing: it cant ACTUALLY be html, because there IS no html code for “slap face”. you cant make a computer, or a code, “slap face”.
plus, without the backslash, her hands would just be continously slapping back and forth. not good for a tattoo artist; she needs to be able to use her hands.
: )
this is cute. and she doesnt look like she is trying so hard, unlike the previously posted knuckle tattoos.
this is cute. and she doesnt look like she is trying so hard, unlike the previously posted knuckle tattoos.
#24 oppositronic: Why on earth would you judge a person’s “goodness” based on their tattoos? Isn’t appearance-based prejudice one of the things we here at modblog and the whole bodmod community are trying to get rid of?
And I think all the debate about it being correct html or xml is pointless, the tattoo is just funny and should be taken as such.
#24 oppositronic: Why on earth would you judge a person’s “goodness” based on their tattoos? Isn’t appearance-based prejudice one of the things we here at modblog and the whole bodmod community are trying to get rid of?
And I think all the debate about it being correct html or xml is pointless, the tattoo is just funny and should be taken as such.
P.moz on November 7th, 2008 at 5:25 pm:
Begin slap. End face? Don’t get it…
You really don’t get it?
P.moz on November 7th, 2008 at 5:25 pm:
Begin slap. End face? Don’t get it…
You really don’t get it?
face has no opening tag and slap has no closure? i don’t think it would properly execute.
face has no opening tag and slap has no closure? i don’t think it would properly execute.
It’s real MySpace html compatible HTML guys, give her a break!
It’s real MySpace html compatible HTML guys, give her a break!
uh, i don’t remember signing any kind of modblog manifesto or creedo before i got this anonymous sn, but then again i do black out a lot. honestly though i think you would have better luck with eradicating “appearance-based prejudice” if you went around with a rusty nail stabbing people in the eyeballs.
i find tattoos generally to be an expression of the person who’s decided to have them done, and sometimes those tattoos suck and sometimes those people are wack bitches. i think judging someone based on how they look is inevitable (and you’re not exactly helping by getting visible tattoos done) whereas wack bitches are for the most part largely avoidable.
uh, i don’t remember signing any kind of modblog manifesto or creedo before i got this anonymous sn, but then again i do black out a lot. honestly though i think you would have better luck with eradicating “appearance-based prejudice” if you went around with a rusty nail stabbing people in the eyeballs.
i find tattoos generally to be an expression of the person who’s decided to have them done, and sometimes those tattoos suck and sometimes those people are wack bitches. i think judging someone based on how they look is inevitable (and you’re not exactly helping by getting visible tattoos done) whereas wack bitches are for the most part largely avoidable.
why the curled “gangster” lip? why do girls think this makes them look anything but fucking retarded. uh dur dur.
i could be wrong, it might just be the hungover, just tattooed face. not the im cooler than you face.
but on the up and up, i do like her plugs. fancy fancy
why the curled “gangster” lip? why do girls think this makes them look anything but fucking retarded. uh dur dur.
i could be wrong, it might just be the hungover, just tattooed face. not the im cooler than you face.
but on the up and up, i do like her plugs. fancy fancy
IE user.
IE user.
Tattoo fail. As an actual geek, I am happy that you failed at trying to borrow off our culture, and even better, you’ve permanently marked that failure on an obvious part of your body for the rest of your life!
Tattoo fail. As an actual geek, I am happy that you failed at trying to borrow off our culture, and even better, you’ve permanently marked that failure on an obvious part of your body for the rest of your life!
As has been pointed out that is not anywhere near proper HTML or XML. The geeky part about that tattoo is that any geek who sees it will identify you as a non-geek who would be laughed at in an intro to HTML class after the first hour of instruction. The worst part is that you were admittedly hungover and/or drunk when you got it, but now sober you don’t look at it and see your huge mistake.
As has been pointed out that is not anywhere near proper HTML or XML. The geeky part about that tattoo is that any geek who sees it will identify you as a non-geek who would be laughed at in an intro to HTML class after the first hour of instruction. The worst part is that you were admittedly hungover and/or drunk when you got it, but now sober you don’t look at it and see your huge mistake.
she still likes it, despite it being “:wrong” if you can come up with an html/xml code, that actually “slaps face”, i’d like to see it.
. why would you leave comments that make her feel bad? HER body, HER tattoo.
and she’d already wanted it BEFORE being drunk/hungover.
not your body? dont worry about it.
she still likes it, despite it being “:wrong” if you can come up with an html/xml code, that actually “slaps face”, i’d like to see it.
. why would you leave comments that make her feel bad? HER body, HER tattoo.
and she’d already wanted it BEFORE being drunk/hungover.
not your body? dont worry about it.
Seriously people?
Haha I cant believe this is still going on, no where in the description did I say this was a perfectly executed form of html, seeing as how it couldn’t be cause its a PHYSICAL action…And yes I am aware on how it should have been properly written for code execution to the web. Wow people way to over analyze a joke lol
Seriously people?
Haha I cant believe this is still going on, no where in the description did I say this was a perfectly executed form of html, seeing as how it couldn’t be cause its a PHYSICAL action…And yes I am aware on how it should have been properly written for code execution to the web. Wow people way to over analyze a joke lol
I like it, shes pretty cute.
Kristie, you should put the tattoo to use and slap some serious hater face.
I like it, shes pretty cute.
Kristie, you should put the tattoo to use and slap some serious hater face.