Hey, ’tis the season for portrait photography, right? Lissaa (far left) writes in:
My friends and I decided to go get professional pictures done at Walmart, probably the biggest waste of 120 bucks ever spent, but it made for a good ass Tuesday.
And the memories will last forever, probably. Unless whatever it is that’s so disturbing dude in the lower right-hand corner savagely attacks them all.
See more in “Ear Stretching (past 1/2″)“ (Ear Piercing)
That’s an adorable photo.
This picture makes me happy
she looks so cute, then i saw her ears
dude, theres nothing wrong with her ears..
Awh my girl lisa is adorable, and so are her ears!
and zack looks like a idiot in this picture.
jazzy bean-
you have never seen them
hey lisa made modblog!
Cutest ever. @ colt, what’s wrong with her ears? They look nice and healthy. Unless you mean the fact that she has them, then im assuming you just have some mommy issues or something.
balls – you would know that how?
oh the wonders of IAM..
Erm, she just has big lobes. biiiig deal.
This is BME, big lobes are nothing, Colt.
big lobes are different then badly shapen poorly stretched lobes lobes
Well I think she has cute ears, plus they’re on the side of a very cute face.
hah that photo is adorable!
Wal=mart charges 120 bucks? Thats fucked!
Is he wearing a feather boa to cover a hicky?
ZACK!! haha
the chubby guy in the back is cute!
I swear I met that kid in the boa at a chipotle in Richmond, Indiana in october sometime..
Can’t remember his name though..
I wish my friends were like this.
Does the girl on the far right have her ears stretched?
Is the girl on the left legal? Actually, does it matter? hahaha
wuts happened 2 mod blog the most inresting thing they could find was a pic of sum kids in wall mart really …
her ears are rotting…check back after winter.
which ones lobes are meant to be rotting off?
fuck yeah. those girls are hot.
to ben: i do.
Aww, such a cute picture.
Last year I had the yucky walmart ‘portrait studio’ job and some cuties like this came in, it was too fun!
Wow, That red-headed girl on the right could be my twin. I always wanted to have sex with my twin.
(Not biological of course that would be weird.) lol…