We’ve featured this particular beefcake before, and I mistakenly identified him as having been carved out of granite by Jesus. This was false, and I apologize for this mischaracterization. In fact, he was installed at the bottom of the sea over 60,000 years ago, by aliens, and occasionally surfaces to assert his dominance over killer whales and giant squid and underwater volcanoes and the like. He is literally standing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in this picture, on top of a shark that had been alive since the Cretaceous period, which he killed just by looking at it. When asked for comment, he kindly shooed us away, as his mouth was full of Loch Ness Monster meat and he didn’t want to be rude.
See more in “Tribal and Blackwork Tattoos“ (Tattoos)
Holy Shit….That description was funny
Holy Shit….That description was funny
his right shoulderlooks photoshopped to me…also bit strange shadow there
his right shoulderlooks photoshopped to me…also bit strange shadow there
I like the way his shoulders/biceps cast a shadow over the SEA. C’mon.
I like the way his shoulders/biceps cast a shadow over the SEA. C’mon.
I so wanted a naked clickthrough.
Obviously photoshopped… but still…
I so wanted a naked clickthrough.
Obviously photoshopped… but still…
buck angel?!
buck angel?!
nice.. erm.. photoshopped shadows (Y)
nice.. erm.. photoshopped shadows (Y)
Best intro to date! lol mouth full of lockness monster! i would have guessed killer whale penis but hey tomato thomato…
Best intro to date! lol mouth full of lockness monster! i would have guessed killer whale penis but hey tomato thomato…
haha i thoroughly enjoyed the ranting description. a shark and the lockness. nice.
haha i thoroughly enjoyed the ranting description. a shark and the lockness. nice.
Actually it looks like he’s kneeling. You can see his right heel just under the water. 😛 Plus, wouldn’t it be difficult to keep your balance standing with legs that far apart in the current? /nitpick
Actually it looks like he’s kneeling. You can see his right heel just under the water. 😛 Plus, wouldn’t it be difficult to keep your balance standing with legs that far apart in the current? /nitpick
ok that’s ugly , the tats and the body
ok that’s ugly , the tats and the body
blaaaargh!!!!! he is the kracken, risen from the sea!!!
sexy, but a kracken nonetheless.
blaaaargh!!!!! he is the kracken, risen from the sea!!!
sexy, but a kracken nonetheless.
People aren’t ugly. Words are.
People aren’t ugly. Words are.
Isabel, hes obviously straddling the shark!
I mean come on!
Isabel, hes obviously straddling the shark!
I mean come on!
Love the tags!
Love the tags!
i think it’s pretty obvious he’s standing on a prehistoric shark in the middle of the ocean.
and seriously, you’re insulting? wow. good job guys.
i think he’s ridiculously amazing looking, but i will say, not my type?
that looks like a whole lot of hard work there.
i think it’s pretty obvious he’s standing on a prehistoric shark in the middle of the ocean.
and seriously, you’re insulting? wow. good job guys.
i think he’s ridiculously amazing looking, but i will say, not my type?
that looks like a whole lot of hard work there.
I definitely thought this was Buck Angel at first glance, too.. those shadows are mysterious
I definitely thought this was Buck Angel at first glance, too.. those shadows are mysterious
I thought Buck Angel as well. I would agree… that type of muscle looks difficult to gain.
Someone totally used the burn tool here.
I thought Buck Angel as well. I would agree… that type of muscle looks difficult to gain.
Someone totally used the burn tool here.
He eats beefcakes for brunch and shits killer whales. I bet that water’s cold. xD
He eats beefcakes for brunch and shits killer whales. I bet that water’s cold. xD
Oh my dear Photoshop…. Severe artefacts.
Oh my dear Photoshop…. Severe artefacts.
is it wierd that my favorite part of this picture is his blonde goatee?
is it wierd that my favorite part of this picture is his blonde goatee?
Haha! what a self absorbed douche.
Haha! what a self absorbed douche.
OMG!!!! Holy shit!!! He’s so big! So muscle!)))
OMG!!!! Holy shit!!! He’s so big! So muscle!)))
thank you jordan..now i’m going to have nightmares about this guy -_-’…still funny anyway…
thank you jordan..now i’m going to have nightmares about this guy -_-’…still funny anyway…
RE Photoshopping the image: The image is as it was sent to us. The “shadow” you see on his shoulder is as a result of either the photographer or the model being a little heavy with the Burn Tool in photoshop. i have seen other images of this fellow and i can assure you that he him self is not Photoshopped and really is that much of a hunking hulk of hulk of man.
RE Photoshopping the image: The image is as it was sent to us. The “shadow” you see on his shoulder is as a result of either the photographer or the model being a little heavy with the Burn Tool in photoshop. i have seen other images of this fellow and i can assure you that he him self is not Photoshopped and really is that much of a hunking hulk of hulk of man.
Great body, but not a fan of the tribal. Then again, thats not something I would say to this guys face and to each their own lol.
Great body, but not a fan of the tribal. Then again, thats not something I would say to this guys face and to each their own lol.
The description made the picture enjoyable.
The description made the picture enjoyable.
people really suck for hating on his tattoos. I’m not the biggest fan of tribal either but as long as it’s well done and has good lines, what does it matter. He also has worked really hard (obviously) at those guns (another body modification) and I think that it’s bull shit for calling him ugly. It’s straight up mod-snobbery. ’nuff said.
people really suck for hating on his tattoos. I’m not the biggest fan of tribal either but as long as it’s well done and has good lines, what does it matter. He also has worked really hard (obviously) at those guns (another body modification) and I think that it’s bull shit for calling him ugly. It’s straight up mod-snobbery. ’nuff said.
Tribals is ok here. I have some too and… be sure tribal tattoos is a hard work! Looks easy, but it’s not!
Tribals is ok here. I have some too and… be sure tribal tattoos is a hard work! Looks easy, but it’s not!
He’s terrifying, his arms are bigger than my waist.
No opinion on his tattoo though, if he likes it, it’s chill, but the body intimidates me.
He’s terrifying, his arms are bigger than my waist.
No opinion on his tattoo though, if he likes it, it’s chill, but the body intimidates me.
Holy crap
Holy crap
I officially love Austin for his comment. Way to be, darling.
I officially love Austin for his comment. Way to be, darling.
It looks like the burn tool might have been used to make the tattoos stand out against his flesh more. The rest of the picture doesn’t appear ‘shopped to me, just a flash bulb used against existing natural lighting which always makes photographs look a tad strange.
That said, the net effect is of dark energy emanating from his arm muscles. :O
It looks like the burn tool might have been used to make the tattoos stand out against his flesh more. The rest of the picture doesn’t appear ‘shopped to me, just a flash bulb used against existing natural lighting which always makes photographs look a tad strange.
That said, the net effect is of dark energy emanating from his arm muscles. :O
“It’s straight up mod-snobbery. ’nuff said.” LMMFAO TOO funny…
But yeah… pretty pretty….not a huge fan of bulky men and the tattoo is painfully cliche.. but it’s still fun to look at and enjoyably aesthetic.
As for the photoshopping… lighten up…. don’t tell me you honestly believe there isn’t some airbrushing on some of the incredibly beautiful women posted on here too?
“It’s straight up mod-snobbery. ’nuff said.” LMMFAO TOO funny…
But yeah… pretty pretty….not a huge fan of bulky men and the tattoo is painfully cliche.. but it’s still fun to look at and enjoyably aesthetic.
As for the photoshopping… lighten up…. don’t tell me you honestly believe there isn’t some airbrushing on some of the incredibly beautiful women posted on here too?
He is soo gay , comon he looks gay he even smells gay!
And not maori evir!
He is soo gay , comon he looks gay he even smells gay!
And not maori evir!
omfg DO ME.
omfg DO ME.
agreed with 4, about the wanting a clickthrough (;
agreed with 4, about the wanting a clickthrough (;
It’s not photoshop at all. It’s time and space bending around those hulking friggin’ muscles. Just when I was getting over feeling inadequate of seeing him the last time, you have to show him off again. Damn you, BME!
But I think this is a better picture for him. And it’s not because he can pound me into the ground like a nail with his fist.
It’s not photoshop at all. It’s time and space bending around those hulking friggin’ muscles. Just when I was getting over feeling inadequate of seeing him the last time, you have to show him off again. Damn you, BME!
But I think this is a better picture for him. And it’s not because he can pound me into the ground like a nail with his fist.
.. Oh yeah. Another thing. We didn’t get to see the other arm last time around, iirc, nice to see a bit more work on him and that he preserves some of his older tattoos.
.. Oh yeah. Another thing. We didn’t get to see the other arm last time around, iirc, nice to see a bit more work on him and that he preserves some of his older tattoos.
i am so fucking puny.
i am so fucking puny.
shes.a.star. – Yeah, and all the other people who post pictures of themselves and their mods aren’t? You don’t know the guy at all, just shut your trap.
The photo looks cool although I liked the last one more. I have huge respect for him for working probably years upon years to achieve a body like that (and what are a few moments of pain and maybe few months of healing a piercing compared to that?), although I hope he hasn’t endangered his health by taking steroids or anything.
shes.a.star. – Yeah, and all the other people who post pictures of themselves and their mods aren’t? You don’t know the guy at all, just shut your trap.
The photo looks cool although I liked the last one more. I have huge respect for him for working probably years upon years to achieve a body like that (and what are a few moments of pain and maybe few months of healing a piercing compared to that?), although I hope he hasn’t endangered his health by taking steroids or anything.
so it’s fine to get interesting tattoos and piercings (thanks to someone else’s hard work and discipline, I might add) in order to enhance and decorate your body, but when it comes to working your actual ass off like crazy and having what must be a fuckload of self-discipline to enhance your body, you’re a self-absorbed douchebag?
come on, that’s like the worst kind of hypocrisy right there. step it up, modbloggers.
so it’s fine to get interesting tattoos and piercings (thanks to someone else’s hard work and discipline, I might add) in order to enhance and decorate your body, but when it comes to working your actual ass off like crazy and having what must be a fuckload of self-discipline to enhance your body, you’re a self-absorbed douchebag?
come on, that’s like the worst kind of hypocrisy right there. step it up, modbloggers.
great another lumpy dude poseing like a chick in the water…
great another lumpy dude poseing like a chick in the water…
what the fuck are you looking at….. your nipple?..
or your fantasizing about your reflection in the water….
what the fuck are you looking at….. your nipple?..
or your fantasizing about your reflection in the water….
I don’t even know what to say……….you look kinnda silly,……..GET TO THA CHOPPA!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I don’t even know what to say……….you look kinnda silly,……..GET TO THA CHOPPA!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
so it’s fine to get interesting tattoos and piercings (thanks to someone else’s hard work and discipline, I might add) in order to enhance and decorate your body, but when it comes to working your actual ass off like crazy and having what must be a fuckload of self-discipline to enhance your body, you’re a self-absorbed douchebag?
come on, that’s like the worst kind of hypocrisy right there. step it up, modbloggers.
Well said.
I think he looks fab, tattoos and all.
so it’s fine to get interesting tattoos and piercings (thanks to someone else’s hard work and discipline, I might add) in order to enhance and decorate your body, but when it comes to working your actual ass off like crazy and having what must be a fuckload of self-discipline to enhance your body, you’re a self-absorbed douchebag?
come on, that’s like the worst kind of hypocrisy right there. step it up, modbloggers.
Well said.
I think he looks fab, tattoos and all.
he looks like a fun guy to hang around with.
y’know. eating a whole cow as opposed to a steak and what not.
He looks like he might actually be able to literally crush me to death just with his hand.
he looks like a fun guy to hang around with.
y’know. eating a whole cow as opposed to a steak and what not.
He looks like he might actually be able to literally crush me to death just with his hand.
Why the hell is he in the water?
Why the hell is he in the water?