This photo comes to us via one of the talented folks at a Cleveland-area art school (I think), and was taken during the Iditarod, probably. Really though, it’s nice to see a sort-of funny shot executed with thoughtful composition. This works well.
See more in “Vertical Labrets“ (Lip Piercing)
first post.
mustaches are gross.
Timebomb – this isn’t the kind of place where people give a fuck that you’re first.
He has nice eyebrows and the vert. labret looks really good. I usually don’t like vert. labrets, but his looks abnormally nice.
super-photoshopped pictures with vertical labrets are oh-so-popular today!
i like his teeth for some strange reason
Amber – thanks haha.
Candice – modblog photoshopped the photo, you can see my version in my link.
oh and I go to the Cleveland Institute of Art. so you were right Jordan.
jesi gadan jebem ti mater
I love the eyes, but I’m sure they’re fake.
broseph – *shrugs* looks the same to me.
Candice: I did some very light contrast/level adjusting, as I usually do for ModBlog images. Nothing substantial though.
*Gasp* Something from my hometown made it on ModBlog?!? Yayyy! Nice Drew Carey reference, BTW! lol. I bet that vertical labret doesn’t feel so great in our winter days of below-freezing windchills, but very nice nonetheless. =)
i miss my vertical labret.
his is exceptional. and so is he.
David Bowie eyes!
Ugh, have to listen to Suffragette City now…
I’ve been in love with this picture ever since it was uploaded on BME!
I’m glad it got modblogged, cos its a great picture. The vertical labret looks perfect on him.
@7 – smiri strasti. ovo nije mjesto za takve neprimjerene komentare jer ako ti je do toga, vrati se na…
cute guy. looks like he’s having fun and it’s always nice to see a healthy vertical labret 🙂
haha makes me laugh
I don’t care if it’s photoshopped, I just love this picture!!
#11 Jebem ti svu familijarnost
mogu pisat sta god mislim
ko te jebeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ruzan covjek stas mu
Yay vertical labret ^__^
Love it
Why does everyone now assume a GOOD photograph is the result of Photoshop? Photoshop is not magic, it doesn’t take the photos for you or provide models, and it cannot turn a bad photographer into a good one. It can enhance an already great shot, which might be the case here, but doing it well is a talent in itself, so I don’t see any issue with it.
Really great pic and I’m finally starting like the aesthetic of vertical labrets!
Amber dont hate the first – – ;).
Boring average standard.
I really like the vert. labret it looks awesome on him!