A Couple Of Fish Tattoos

On the left is NeverLookingBack‘s awesome chopped up koi tattoo, being inked by Stefan Meisse at Ocala Tattoo in Florida. On the right is a shark tattoo on Benny by Alex in Queens. I’ll mention as well that Benny is in his late sixties too and is still getting new ink!

By the way, speaking of fish, did you know that one of the sysops of BME runs a fishing blog?

It always surprises me what heals

It bruised a little when it was first done, but this insanely long Tygon surface piercing is now about eight months old in the bigger photo. The piercing is by Alec at Straight to the Point in Portland, OR. Normally my worry would be abcessing, because keeping a piercing like this drained and healthy isn’t easy… but some people can heal anything!

Not something I’d normally recommend, but it looks good.

Dirty Picture of the Day

Damn, Precious… I gotta share this sexy story and picture you sent us.

“He tied me to a chair and fucked me so incredibly hard that I was bruised and possibly had a small crack in my collar bone (it had been previously broken in a wreck). He then gave me a lesson in pain orgasm, using a whip, but he also jabbed me with needles. He’d jab a needle and stick his cock in, hitting me in that perfect spot that only can he find — no other man ever could, but he just blindly found it by the feel of my body. He’d stab a needle, then he’d stab a cock, and suddenly I was coming in pain… and I was really getting into it.”

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