ModBlog or MAKE magazine?

I’ve been debating the extent to which I want to post “how-to” information to the BME encyclopedia. For example, what is my liability if I explain to you in detail that with a little dry ice and a willing arm, you can guarantee yourself looking like my German friend here? How about if I explain how to do it with a minimum level of pain. I have such poor judgment, I’m seriously considering putting out a guide.

The truth is a virus! Information wants to be free!

Roller Girl Tattoo

I’m from a farm in Canada and maybe I’m out of touch, but when I see this tattoo, all I can imagine is the client going to the artist and saying,

"Yeah... I'm looking for a tattoo of an angel. Do you mind if she's nude and in rollerskates? Oh, and make her look like she really needs to pee. And can you make it look like a little UFO is going to land on her head? Thanks."

“Nigga-Rican” Tattoo

The wearer explains, “[It’s] who I am — Damn, I love this thing…”. But, like I said, I’m just a farm boy from a goat dairy, and while I totally appreciate the value and legitimacy of the tattoo, it would be very hard for me to say out loud. I don’t know if that makes me a wuss, but I start Systema tomorrow, so come and tell me that in a year you bastards!

Got a low ceiling?

One of the problems when you’re suspending is ceiling height and clearances. Not only do you have your own height, but the rigging adds several feet, and ideally quite a bit more is needed… Toronto-based suspension team Technological Regression Suspensions has proposed this unique solution to suspending in, say, a basement apartment.