Genetics and Evolution Tattoos

Two ways of talking about the same theological conundrum perhaps? The DNA tattoo (currently just outlined) is by Trevor Collis of Iron Age Studio in Saint Louis, Missouri, and the evolution themed calf tattoo is by Roger from Steady Tattoo in Minneapolis, MN. As I understand it, both of these tattoos are illegal under the USA PATRIOT ACT, and if the owners are not careful who they show them to… off to Gitmo!

Like Father, Like Son

I got this wonderful little parental tribute tattoo story from Jesse McPherson, tattooed by Eric at Tattoo Alley in Hatboro, Pennsylvania, who writes,

"This is a tattoo I got a few days ago, and my fathers tattoo which it was based off of. The idea for this tat came when I got a call from my brother informing me that our father is in the hospital and has been diagnosed with Leukemia. So that night I though I wanted to get one of his tattoos, took a few pictures (with a camera phone) the next day when me and my bro went to visit him the next day and my brother drew something up and did the tattoo the next day."

Tattoos around surgery scars

My Russian friend Babakhin sent me this Russian Army Tattoo. I’m afraid though that I don’t know the story behind it, but I’d say that whatever injury caused that scar taught a valuable lesson — getting your blood type and specifics tattooed on you might not be such a bad idea!

IRASCIBLEVISION got this post-hospital tattoo around his surgery scar (look carefully if you don’t immediately see it; scars can be hard to photograph). It’s by Nate at Sacred Art Tattoo in Springfield, Missouri, and when it’s all done the banner will say “It’ll feel better when it quits hurting.”

I just thought it was a nice example of using a tattoo to reclaim your body.

Dude? Sweet!

My only question is how they decided who gets “OUCH” and who gets “SEXY” tattooed on their inner lip… Was it a test of wits? Of strength? Or did they just draw lots? Either way, more people should get tattoos with their friends. These are by Jim Tattoo at Black Ink Industry Tattoos in Sabah, Borneo. What, you thought they only did tribal tatties in Borneo?