The following photo was submitted anonymously and didn’t include any details. I thought it was an interesting dotwork design. The popularity of dotwork seems to have really grown in the last year or so (or at least that’s been my observation while moderating photos on BME). It’s definitely something that requires a skilled hand.
This piece reminds me a lot of my Spirograph that I had as a kid. I loved that thing!
In BME news, while we continue to work on improvements for the site, we have added a cool new feature. Now, you can add photos and videos to your “favorites” list. This list is private so it’s not about a popularity contest but rather a way for you to quickly and easily view photos and videos that you really like. Beside each photo and video you’ll see a red heart with “add to favorites” next to it. Just click that to add the photo or video to your list. To view your list, go to your account details and under “My Content” you’ll find the subheading “Favorite Media”. Just click on that to view your favorites! You’ll need a BME account but remember, it’s absolutely free to create an account. Read the BME FAQ if you would like more information on the site and using BME.
See more Dotwork Tattoos.