Forearm Balls


Most of Seth’s mods are self-done, but he got his forearm balls done last Sunday by Brian. They’re a series of five 1″ silicone domes (photos above by Ashlee Parry).

There’s still a bit of swelling around them, so they’ll likely “pop out” more as they heal.


You may have noticed we now have implant and microdermal categories you can browse through.

I tried to be thorough but it was quite a tedious task so if you notice any discrepancies, omissions or errors let me know, thanks.

– Roo

Suspension in the Holy City


Before my ability to host it disappeared, you may remember that on another blog I mentioned that on the 20th of December the folks at

Bizzart Studio in Jerusalem were hosting the first suspension ever in the Holy City “since Jesus”. I promised I’d let everyone know how it went, and Bar Hofesh writes,

“It went great — lots of people, and lots of energy that went beyond what we thought there would be. It is amazing to see how many people come to these events… We had over 150 people”

Congratulations, and hopefully they can have many more events.

gula-suspension-1.jpg gula-suspension-2.jpg gula-suspension-3.jpg gula-suspension-4.jpg

Fingernail Laser Etching

Scott let me know about Martin and Bre’s “new year’s project” on Make in which they use a 25W engraving laser to do a “fingernail etching” using a computer controlled plotter-type device with their hand restrained inside it during the procedure which took just a few frightening but painless seconds. Over time, the “calendar” will grow off of their fingernails — “instead of checking off boxes, we clip off our nails”.

Now, maybe like me you’re saying that’s not really body modification (any more than hairstyles or nail painting is)… But really, there’s no reason that this same method couldn’t be used to do a scarification project on skin as well… I’d just want to be very, very certain the machine was tuned to the right power level!!!


Photo by Bre.

Because I know you love Russia… 4/4


One last set of photos before I go back to eating an enormous Christmas meal with Caitlin, and family…

As well as the show they did for Roks Club in the entry above, Apocalypse Party also arranged their own Halloween event called “Blood & Fire Halloween”, which Doggy admits was financially a bit of a failure, but was enormously satisfying on every other level and they had tons of fun — isn’t that always the truth though (don’t ask me how much money I lose every year on BMEfest!)? These photos are all by Dmitri Starchak I think .





Because I know you love Russia… 3/4


Team Apokalypse Party did a Halloween Show at Roks Club — this is their “standard short show” which includes skewering, suspension, and fire. In these shots their suspending star is Staruha and the piercers are Elvira and Clockorange (she’s the one with the braids). I like the effect of the flaming skewers a lot! These photos were also taken by Sergio Enfermo.



Because I know you love Russia… 2/4


These pictures were taken by Sergio Enfermo (check out his Picasa site for plenty more pictures in this vein) of the Apocalypse Party suspension at the Radio Inferno 6 festival in collaboration with Liki Bogov (Faces of Gods, a pagan/folk/electro/metal band) — Doggy is doing a crucifix suspension, with Staruha doing the fireshow… He says this was a difficult performance because there were so many bands playing and so much going on that it was hard to concentrate and get everything as perfect as they wanted.




Because I know you love Russia… 1/4


I noticed that you had a Russian guy as your featured first entry for a bit over a month. I assume this means you love Russia as much as I do (and I really do love getting submissions from Canada’s northern cousin), so I wanted to share a handful of entries today with you that are from some of my friends there. Thanks for this set of photos (in all four of the entries in this series) go to my friend Doggy and the other folks (Clockorange, Elvira, Staruha, and Skifik) from Apocalypse Party.




Fantasy Dragon Backpiece Cutting


You may recall that quite some time ago, not long after we parted ways, I posted photos of a full back cutting that Charles Finnie and Leia Stafford (pictured below) from DragonFX Kingsway did. The customer stopped by the shop a few days ago, so Lane had a chance to snap some photos of it well on its way to being healed (above of course). I thought this piece was fairly unique because of the fact that it’s fantasy themed — it’s rare to see classic tattoo imagery in scarification, and I think this speaks of just how broad a market there is inside scarification these days.

Assuming it isn’t just a comment on Alberta! 😛


KayLeigh and her Mum

At a time of year when far too many people are being reminded of their broken families, with generation gaps accentuated by devastating absences of empathy and understanding, coupled with a divorce rate that makes bitterness the norm, I really liked this story of family togetherness that my friend KayLeigh sent me, and I’d like to share it as my “Christmas Eve Message”, to the extent that I have one.

KayLeigh has wanted to get a facial tattoo for a bit over a year now, but wasn’t entirely sure what she wanted. When she recently saw Kat Von D’s stars, she fell in love with the idea and knew something in that vein was right for her. She didn’t jump right in and do it, but after debating it for a long while to make sure she really wanted it, she had her tattoo artist Jane Hazard draw up the design.

The part of the story though that I really like is that her mother, a purchase manager at a control panel company, recently got a promotion and wanted to celebrate — she’s got lots of tattoos already, and had been eyeing a swirly facial tattoo for herself… So the timing was perfect, and as she put it, “most mother-daughters go shopping, we get tattooed!”

Both KayLeigh and her mother live in a small town “where everyone knows everyone and news travels fast”, so it must be nice to have each other’s support — they’re definitely already encountering some resistance to their decision. Too often parents and kids are at odds over what could easily be a bonding experience, and it’s very nice to hear a story that reflects a positive experience.
