Free Breast Implants (Celebratory Tattoo!)

I recently received this letter;

In late February of 07, I joined a website called, more out of humor than anything else. Free breast implants? Come on this could not be possible!

I have always wanted breast implants, but could never afford them. My first day on the site, I realized that the website is the real deal and it could work for me! How it works is women, like myself, ask men, or as the website calls them, “benefactors”, for donations to get breast implants. it took me 3 months to raise enough money for my surgery.

On june 4th 2007, I reached my goal amount, and decided to get a my free implants tattoo [by Cary at High Street Tattoo, Columbus OH] . My surgery is scheduled for September 1st 2007, and I can not wait to join the big boobie club.

The internet is a magical place 🙂


– Lindsay (iam:fancy heart)

BME Newsfeed for Jun 24, 2007

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!

Mayan Facial Scar Ritual

I got this wonderful letter from Wayde Dunn (BME/WWW);

Hey Mate…

I’ve spent the last month down in the Maya ruins of Palenque in Chiapas, Mexico.. it’s such an amazing place here. I’ve been very lucky to gain trust and respect from a lot of people that work closely within the ruins here… so much so that I have been allowed to execute a couple of different rituals within the grounds of the archeological zone… and actually in the temples.

The pics that im sending you know are of some facial scarification that i did on a close friend of mine, Hazui Balam, who lives here in Palenque. The design is representing the Jaws of the Jaguar, Hazui’s mayan spirit guide.

Underneath the full moon, in front of the Temple of inscriptions (Lord Pakal’s Tomb), I cut a representation of the Jaguar’s Jaws into Hazui’s face. The next ten minutes were amazing. The blood flowed under the full moon. Hazui was peaceful. Soon, a low growl stirred from within him, which escalated into a roar as Hazui went into a trance. I watched his soul merge with that of the jaguar as he sat covered in blood in front of me screaming and roaring at the moon above the temple behind me. As he roared, for a few moments, I held his hands… The energy was amazing. He eventually quietened into an almost weeping state, and then snapped out of it. We exchanged knowing glances and just sat for a while. I could hear people whispering behind us. They didn’t even realise what they had just witnessed… They had no way of understanding the power behind what we had just done. Hazui and I talked quietly about the experience. At one point, he told me that he had something to give to me… he wanted to give to me one of his most prized possesions. He reached into his small pouch and produced a single Jaguar claw, and handed it too me. I knew how important it was too him and for him to pass it on to me was such a huge gesture of respect, love, friendship and an indication of the shared experience. Handed from one Jaguar to another. I am truly honored for being able to give this moment to Hazui, and now being in possesion of the Jaguar claw is just amazing to me. We left the ruins soon after and slept.



BME Newsfeed for Jun 23, 2007

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!

ModProm ticket sales end on MONDAY!

You have until noon EST on Monday, June 25 to confirm your ModProm ticket! After that, there will be no way to get a ticket because Phil and I will have confirmed our numbers with the caterers. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR TICKET! If you can not place your purchase online because you don’t have a credit card, please email me.


I may have a small number of spots that I can give away (but no promises!). If you really want to come, and have a formal outfit of some type to wear, and really can’t afford it, please email me and include why you want to come. If you’re a regular BME supporter, I’ll do my best to help. Write me ASAP though if you want to do that.

Other than that, will have the last minute details on it all. Now please go get your ticket before it’s too late!

BME Newsfeed for Jun 22, 2007

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!