BME Newsfeed for May 18, 2006

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Love Me, Please

Seriously, if the inside of your mouth is in need of some loving (or at least willing to give some), you’ve come to the right turgid blogger, that is, if you don’t mind things getting a little messy. But I won’t be offended if you spit. Tattoo by by Chuck at Jade Dragon Tattoo in Chicago.

BME Newsfeed for May 17, 2006

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!

All tattoos are not created equal

I’m not going to tell you who did these because it’s not important to what the entry is about. I’m sure each of the people is happy with their work, but you have to admit, it’s fairly obvious that one artist was radically more talented than the other one. Or am I crazy and the average person just can’t make that judgment or simply doesn’t care? There are so many good tattoo artists out there these days, that I just don’t understand why most people still get bad tattoos.

Other than that, I just wanted to say that I might have to take a day off or two for coding… I have some changes I need to make to the IAM software (security and growth upgrades — I think you’ll be very happy) and may just not have the time to do both.