143 Days Later

We’ve seen fresh and healed photos of all sorts of modifications, but rarely do we get the exact number of days between photos.  Well, thanks to IAM: xUnbreakablex, who sent in these photos of his implant by Shane Ranniger from Skin Factory in Las Vegas, we now have some.

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Subtle Love

Sometimes implants can be extremely noticeable, like horns or the back of the hand.  Then there are implants like this, that blend in so well, you’d only know it was there if you were looking for it.

Implant by Eric Sara from LMT Body Modification in Sabadell, Spain.

A pointed profile

With his vast assortment of modifications, the Mechanical Demon has transformed from a human into something much more.  While I don’t have the list of artists who have worked on him, I do know that Arseniy Andersson is responsible for the ear pointing/reshaping.

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Sale ends April 11th! Check here for details!