Dermal Abrasion Scarification

Along with chemical scarification (more info), dermabrasion scarification (more info) — literally what it sounds like; the creation of a scar by using abrasive tools to grind off the skin — is one of the rarest forms of body modification. It is almost always DIY or otherwise done outside of a studio, and very little information exists on its results, controllability, and general viability. Here’s Amanda M. giving it a try on a friend in Carnegie, PA. Watch the BME galleries for healed results later I hope.

Dog Scar

I can’t decide if this dog scarification by John Joyce (see also: John Joyce scar gallery on BME) is sweet or creepy — either way it’s very well done. I imagine over the next few years it will go through a number of different looks, perhaps eventually being tattooed to accentuate it when it ages completely. I still think that scar-tattoo fusion is going to being a very important artform.