ModCon book how-to

Onega demonstrates the correct way to read the now out-of-print ModCon book. And yes, it really is out of print. I have about twenty copies here, and Ryan has about the same at the shop. No reprint is planned for the immediate future because there are new books in the queue, including part two to this book… So if we do put the last few into stock, grab them to avoid paying $200 used.

Tandem Suspension Pre-Lift

If I understand this photo from CJ (that’s him on the top, and Jer on the bottom), CJ was not entirely sure that the rigging (by TSD) was done properly, so Jer was asked to lie there to break his fall should any of the bolts pop out of the wall. It might not seem like much, but falling onto concrete on your belly from five feet hurts… This way the combination of crushing Jer and the massage table padding makes it almost painless*. But maybe I’m not understanding correctly.

* For CJ only… Jer on the other hand? World of pain. But someone’s gotta do it.

At least it’s a pretty location

I think this may be one of the first photos of an ass suspension where the person doesn’t, well, look like an ass. Now, don’t get me wrong — he’s hamming it up in the other photos in the set, but I really thought this picture had a nice zenlike “upside down meditation” quality to it. Thanks to my friend Joao_Caldara from Brasil for this.

Oh, and if you want to know what an ass suspension does to your undies

Unusual Suspension Rigging?

This is probably only going to be of interest to those who’ve worked a suspension, but take a careful look at the pattern of the ropes. This is not something that I’d suggest personally; it would be very difficult I think to get good, consistent hook tension unless I’m missing something… someone really needs to open Pandora’s Box and write a Suspension How-To book.

178 Hook Suspension… world record?

I regularly see 30+ hook suspensions using small gauge hooks in the SM community, but in terms of upper limit world-record type stuff (as in numebr of hooks used in a suspension), I think Cali (assisted by Ascension and Birde-Mann) is the current winner with this 178 hook superman suspension.

Related: The Berkeley 5k

Shannon = Bad Man

OK, I really like this picture in terms of a piece of art (thanks to Steve Truitt and Ascension) that captures the serenity of suspension… but the uncontrollably masculine part of me can’t help but me titilated at the realization that I can see down (up?) her undergarment. Seriously, I ought to be ashamed of myself. This is why I’m not a piercer — I have the complete inability to maintain professional distance.