I don’t mean to alarm anybody, but the safety of a fortified military base in Arizona has been compromised by a break-in perpetrated by what appears to be a highly attractive woman. Security footage above shows her scaling the electric fence, yet suffering what appears to be no ill effects whatsoever. More chilling footage, after the jump.

Good God, she is single-handedly dismantling silos! And issuing some sort of threat via signage. Terrifying.

Oh no, and now she is … sitting down, apparently, and plotting, inside one of the devices she destroyed. And is maybe picking rocks out of her shoes.

Worst of all, she seems to have taken a hostage. What is she planning? No one knows. More on this horrifying event as it develops.
(Photos of awalkingmodification by Dan Sisk. No military bases or equipment were harmed in the making of these shots. I am just a jackass.)
She…Wow. WOW. She is absolutely gorgeous. I just cannot keep my eyes off her legs D=
Where are the super heroes when you need them?!?!
that fence is tiny, or she is a giant amazon
I want those shoes!!!
also, gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous woman.
I’m six one…. lol the fence isn’t mini! :] hahah My husband is five eight! isn’t that awesome :]
very nice!
So. You’re an amazon then?
gorgeous. that guy looks like a midget next to you though.
I will forever curse the genetic twist that left me at 5’4 while my brother tops 6 feet. What a gorgeous woman.
lol yes im the creepy 6’1 amazon. haha
Ive been searching the site for email addresses to the writers so they can pinup this article:
(About a woman making “Gothic Kittens” by piercing them before selling)
But the writers emails cannot be found! Are you just ment to email [email protected] when you have news?
Anyway should have a “submit news” button on the main modblog page ^^ –
Oh and be sure to check out the tripped out article, woman arrested btw.
id breach her security … eh eh *wink wink* *nudge nudge* amirite?
aww look at the cute lil midget in the last photo, cute.
No, but that girl is hawt.
hawt hawt hawt hawt hawt.
Damara is hella fucking gorgeous!
She and her hubby are a adorable couple.
hot! hot! hot! 0_o
She is fabulous and obviously a dnager to national security!
eh, i dont think she is pretty at all,not very attractive……. love the tattoo’s and piercings though, good placement.
hot! more coloured chicks needed on bme
I was just stalking her page a little bit ago.
What fucking idiot pierces the end of their nose and then doesn’t take it out?
ha ha, i cannot wait 2 see how it ends, search and destroy (that base)
at the article posted in 11 even though it’s horrible the kitten with the bent barbells in it’s ears is friggen cute but the girl in this article is 100x cute and 50% more humane only 50% more humane cuz it’s torture i cant have her lol
Kimberly, comment number twenty.
You’re right, “what kind of fucking idiot pierces the tip of their nose and keeps it in”
Good thing that’s not what I have broad.
Its called a “rhino”, It’s a curved barbell going from in between my nostrils splitting my septum, and comes out the tip of my nose. That’s why I’d leave it in… not once but twice….
Hey broad, do some research on “MODIFICATIONS” then get back to me pwweeeeaaaasssseee :]
I am kitten.
Nice Damara, you tell Kimberly what’s what. You should punch her in the mouth with your vagina.
lmao scott … but umm damara if you do punch her in the mouth with your vagina can you send me pics?
amazing photos!
loooooooooooooong legs!
gorgeous color 🙂
and one of the most unique couples i have ever met!
keep kicking ass my love!
Too bad she’s crazy…
fuckin Damara 😉
I dont think #17 is looking at the same girl as the rest of us, or she is just jealous XD Nice photo shoot!
…Tall, beautiful woman. This has made my night/morning/week…
lol scott. :] and bob.
haha, if she was standing up straight in that last picture i’m sure she could rest her chin on the crown of his head. awww.
Guess I’m just curious… but what was going on to her right so much?
She is so beautiful…love the first pic.
she’s goregous!
the last picture is so cute. haha
Hottest couple i’ve seen in a long time!
Why is it that when someone has a different standard for what they find attractive, they’re written off as jealous?
Not that I’m implying this is the case here, but anyone can be made to look good with makeup and photoshop and flattering angles.
Holy shit.
She’s beautiful. One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. EVER.
most beautiful thing in a long time,
wish i knew people like her
gorgeous legs and a gorgeous lady.
i would check for a package
I second the hot legs comment. very jealous!
#37 rest assured that she is not photo shopped and looks just as gorgeous with out make-up.
you’re right, anyone can look sexy with the right angels and photo shop and make-up, but Damara is one of those rare natural beauties.
Deer Lee…. #37…
No photo shop.
It’s called “natural lighting”
Thanks love :]
Diedre I love you….. haha :]
I love every pic I see of this woman! She’s like walking art and so pretty doing it.
heh, TRUST ME im not jealous, just not my type is all
I love see the height difference between her and her husband!
Maybe me and my best friend should take some pics togehter. She’s 6’1 and I’m 5’1 haha.
I love this girl, she is flawless!!!! I’m 5’10 and can’t date anyone shorter than me, so you fucking rock being so bold and not effected by criticism. These negative comments are usually a result of jealousy, and who wouldnt be jealous haha you’re fucking gorgeous!!!
Beautiful! tall girls unite!
I’d go check out her page, but I’m blocked for some reason.
I wish I was 6’1” haha
I LOVE that she is wearing heals though!!!!! tall women and heals are just such a good combo, shows your not afraid of shit
I agree with Lee, it is possible to have different opinions of beauty, just because you don’t think that she is beautiful doesn’t make them automatically jealous
beautiful woman,nothing else just believe a compliment when i compliment is due!
Absolutely love these photos; Damara you are really beautiful & have chosen a set of mods that make you look even better ….
gorgeous – I love seeing beautiful girls with beautiful mods (and being from a small town in NZ this is one of the few places to find them). can you imagine the beautiful babies that girl would have? curse genetics 😛
im not really a fan. her legs may be long but when you getto her ankles she appears to be standing like a new born baby giraffe. its not very flattering. its almost as though she has never worn heels before. also the bra strap showing is not very tastefull and that dude looks like he is only there because he has no choice. the one of you sitting down is decent but your legs are so god damn shiny its almost dirty!
im not “jealous” or trying to “hate” on your photos i just dont see the beautiful woman that everyone else is seeing i guess. there nice photos for a firsttimer but i see no real potential or talent
Obviously you’re just nitpicking and being unpleasant, trying to come up with a reason to say you don’t like it, just for the sake of saying so. Trying to stir the pot. You’re could have stated your indifference for it and be done with it. but the fact that you kept going and picking off insignificant things, does in fact put you into the category of ‘hating’.
@a: ‘No potential or talent’? Is this a competition?
What are you, the Simon Cowell of the Modblog set?
Get over yourself.
@Pidge- hey, the guys just giving his opinion, thats what this is about, we cant all agree, hey, i don’t think she is attractive in the slightest, just not my type, i do think the fact that she is wearing heals is awesome, love that she is embracing her height. but seriously, he just wanted to give details on WHY he doesn’t find her attractive rather than just says “no, shes ugly” that’s not very intelligent, he went into detail and gave reasons,they aren’t insignificant hes actually analyzing the picture critically, good comments.
Whether or not he finds her attractive, wasn’t my point.
He’s nitpicking, plain and simple.
Calling her legs dirty?
Implying that her partner is there by force? etc.
Calling the bra strap tasteless? Really? Of all the things seen on Modblog, in past and present, that’s the one thing he wants to call out?
It’s unnecessary and sounds like he has nothing valid to say.
And this isn’t the place to critique photos or artwork. There’s other sites for that.
#59. A.
“im not really a fan. her legs may be long but when you getto her ankles she appears to be standing like a new born baby giraffe. its not very flattering. its almost as though she has never worn heels before. also the bra strap showing is not very tastefull and that dude looks like he is only there because he has no choice. the one of you sitting down is decent but your legs are so god damn shiny its almost dirty!
im not “jealous” or trying to “hate” on your photos i just dont see the beautiful woman that everyone else is seeing i guess. there nice photos for a firsttimer but i see no real potential or talent”
~Please learn how to spell. Space. and Compose.~Gracias, Damara.
Lol. this person comes from a terrible shop in Arizona… WITH A TON of drama.
What’s sad is that my husband resigned, then after I’m getting a bunch of shit out in public….
They’re upset and jealous their stupid names won’t be mentioned, And they’re going to get shut down for breaking over 5 Arizona laws…
It’s cute that they’d take time out of their shit talking to come leave comments on my photo…
Hey you guys still get savage right? Look for my cover in about June 09…Mkay? (if your still open) haha.
You guys can color on it just like you did to Jawn D’s photo, It’ll make me happy you guys still care :]
and yes, if you’d like to critique model photos and such… Modelmayhem.com….where you’ll find my page…
I’ve been modeling upwards of 7 years now…. but thanks for the first timer comment.
Makes me feel fresh! :]
~Damara S.
#59. A.
lol I forgot to address the “bra strap” detail.
When I was getting the irony across in the shoot of “American trash formatted”…….
The bra was a fabulous idea!
Thanks for noticing whereas no one else did.
I just love you… No really!!! :]
~Damara S.
Miss Damara, i love you!!
You’re like my HERO!
Especially since you hae fantsamic earlobes and i so have been wanting a rhino for so long.
And i just love your figure, you’re so long and elegant and have such a natural pretty color.
I’m like short and pasty and i can’t stretch my lobes that big (yet) or pierce me a rhino (yet) cause I’m only 16 and my ma would mess up her britches if i did.
I love you my tall wanderful hero!!! – love me! –