Good afternoon, ModBloggers! Here is a tragic photo of black tea, Wesley Wolfpup and totalxliberation, taken shortly after their spacecraft crash-landed on the blue planet, Neptune, where they are quickly running out of oxygen, hence their harried Total Recall-esque expressions. This chilling image was captured by grudges, who was safely ensconced in an oxygen bubble.
aww, cuties!
seems like a lot of fun angin’ around with those guys xD great pic!
fun pic
but i sense that it need some GWAR spooge
or at least chocolate syrup
Amazing expressions, hahaha
hahaha <3
haha yes! we made it!
Lovable trio of cool handsome dudes. Seriously like the chest piece on black tea. Actually, seriously like black tea – best looking guy I’ve seen in ages.
i lol’d
Total Recall reference. I approve.
Love you guys.
awe wesley. so littlee
Yay Wesley! aha
cute boys with cute inks lol
my murderer.
Stoked on the Integrity tattoo. Want one.
thanks for inviting me to this guys! SHEESH
I love my friends
i miss you fools.
awwww wesleyyyyyyyyyyy
good dudes.