So, when we got this photo from Matthias, something seemed a little fishy, a little off. Were his lobes fake? No, no. The white background brightened a bit too much? Nah. And that’s when we realized…tricky bastard Photoshopped urine in place of beer in that gigantic mug. April Fools! Really though, get off the Internet right now before that goddamn Internet worm finds you and molests the shit out of your computers.
See more in “Ear Stretching (past 1/2″)“ (Ear Piercing)
great caption thing, lol!
great caption thing, lol!
great caption thing, lol!
great caption thing, lol!
It fooled me. I never guessed it was urine in that mug. How could a cool dude like Matthias pull a stunt like that !!!
It fooled me. I never guessed it was urine in that mug. How could a cool dude like Matthias pull a stunt like that !!!
It fooled me. I never guessed it was urine in that mug. How could a cool dude like Matthias pull a stunt like that !!!
It fooled me. I never guessed it was urine in that mug. How could a cool dude like Matthias pull a stunt like that !!!
The “goddamn internet worm” is Windows only. So don’t panic, there is no need to worry.
The “goddamn internet worm” is Windows only. So don’t panic, there is no need to worry.
The “goddamn internet worm” is Windows only. So don’t panic, there is no need to worry.
The “goddamn internet worm” is Windows only. So don’t panic, there is no need to worry.
Give him some credit, how much beer would you have to drink to fill that mug with your urine?
I’m surprised he can still stand
Give him some credit, how much beer would you have to drink to fill that mug with your urine?
I’m surprised he can still stand
Give him some credit, how much beer would you have to drink to fill that mug with your urine?
I’m surprised he can still stand
Give him some credit, how much beer would you have to drink to fill that mug with your urine?
I’m surprised he can still stand
people still use windows? yeek!
nice mug 😀
people still use windows? yeek!
nice mug 😀
people still use windows? yeek!
nice mug 😀
people still use windows? yeek!
nice mug 😀
#4 Hey Leo, maybe he had some help from his student mates. Students have an amazing capacity for turning large quantities of beer into urine. When they get older (like me) they move on to large quantites of wine. It’s a great photo.
#4 Hey Leo, maybe he had some help from his student mates. Students have an amazing capacity for turning large quantities of beer into urine. When they get older (like me) they move on to large quantites of wine. It’s a great photo.
#4 Hey Leo, maybe he had some help from his student mates. Students have an amazing capacity for turning large quantities of beer into urine. When they get older (like me) they move on to large quantites of wine. It’s a great photo.
#4 Hey Leo, maybe he had some help from his student mates. Students have an amazing capacity for turning large quantities of beer into urine. When they get older (like me) they move on to large quantites of wine. It’s a great photo.
I really don’t think this is photoshopped.
I really don’t think this is photoshopped.
I really don’t think this is photoshopped.
I really don’t think this is photoshopped.
This is the lamest last minute attempt at an April Fools joke ever! Hey Jordan, how about you start planning next year now so you wont forget this time and you will have something better than a mug of piss that is clearly not photoshopped!
This is the lamest last minute attempt at an April Fools joke ever! Hey Jordan, how about you start planning next year now so you wont forget this time and you will have something better than a mug of piss that is clearly not photoshopped!
This is the lamest last minute attempt at an April Fools joke ever! Hey Jordan, how about you start planning next year now so you wont forget this time and you will have something better than a mug of piss that is clearly not photoshopped!
This is the lamest last minute attempt at an April Fools joke ever! Hey Jordan, how about you start planning next year now so you wont forget this time and you will have something better than a mug of piss that is clearly not photoshopped!
+10 for the suicide silence shirt.
+10 for the suicide silence shirt.
+10 for the suicide silence shirt.
+10 for the suicide silence shirt.
@6: totally agree. lol.
@6: totally agree. lol.
@6: totally agree. lol.
@6: totally agree. lol.