I posted this fresh scar about 2 weeks ago, and Morbid from Street Tattoo in Warsaw was quick to send in a follow-up. I’m not 100% sure of the time between each photo, but it looks to be a more then two weeks, although not much more. In any case, it’s always nice to see how scars can change over the course of healing. Hopefully he’ll send in some more photos further down the line.
Author Archives: Rob
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Temple of the Dragon
Special Delivery
Someone must have known it was my birthday on Tuesday because this is one present I’d love to unwrap.
Corset work by Brent Silver (IAM: mofocrow) from Artistic Tattoo in Phoenix, AZ.
They call her mom
We’ve seen IAM:Theycallmeanna here on ModBlog before for her scars, tattoos, and also as a BMEGirl. Today we’re seeing a different side to her in a tender moment with her daughter Lola.
In case you haven’t seen it before, BME has an entire gallery dedicated to photos like this. Just modified people spending time with family and friends with no emphasis on any specific modification. If you’ve got some time this afternoon, take a look around the BME Culture gallery, or even better, send in your own photos to submissions@bme.com
Not just another brick
Here’s something you don’t see every day from IAM: Beju. Now I’m pretty certain the bricks are painted on, but the weaving over the eye is definitely real. There’s a lot going on here, with the collar, the bricks and the threading, giving this photo a sort of ominous vibe, touching on institutionalization as well as confinement and religion. Overall, it’s just a fantastic photo.
Fauxhawk? Stitchhawk? Piercedhawk? Anyone have a good name for this? Whatever you end up calling it, it looks damn good on Blackdon21. Then again, pretty much anything looks good on him.
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!!
This rendition of the Great Old One Cthulhu is by Sean Ambrose, Arrows and Embers Tattooing in Concord, NH.
They’re called classics for a reason
Now I know Nosferatu isn’t one of the classic Universal monsters, but his image is so iconic it’s safe to say he’s a classic. Of course when you put these images in the hands of Nail, you get the familiar images with a bit of Nail’s signature modern flair.
Bad Boy Bill
Earlier today Shannon brought up the fact that BME has seen quite a few video game tattoos in its time. Sure enough, I go to check the galleries today and look what turned up…
For IAM: gunsxofxsummer this tattoo by Andy Yoder of Ace of Spades in Asheville, NC, means a bit more than just a simple video game reference.
I like to speak on many levels at once. The obvious “bite me” message, the “bite the bullet” message attributed to general tattoo/pain experiences, and lastly, a reminder to myself to stop riding the fence and bite the bullet and go to one side or the other.
Operation: Hooks fer Christ
I’ve been sitting on these photos for a while, just waiting for the go-ahead from Kcir to post them, and that day is today! What you’re seeing is Kcir and a friend doing a pull on the lawn of the notorious Westboro Baptist Church. To those of you not familiar with the church, they’re a family of lawyers that run their own church. They’ve made a name for themselves by protesting the funerals of men and women who have lost their lives on duty in the military, by holding up offensive and extremely homophobic signs. Basically they’re a sick bunch of attention seekers that are trying as hard as they can to piss off everybody.
Well, Kcir and his friends decided to have a little fun at their expense by doing this pull on the lawn of the church, and ending it with a sloppy wet kiss. It’s important to note that they aren’t doing this to protest any religion, but rather the actions of a bunch of sick and twisted individuals. Here’s a bit of what Kcir had to say about his motivations:
i have big beef with these guys for exactly what we’re going to keep them from doing. protesting soldier’s funerals. most of their other targets can fight back. i have a lot of dead soldiers in my family. almost every member of my dad’s side of the family up to me has been a soldier. they’ve fought and bled for this country and now i feel i should step up for them since they can’t. i don’t agree with the wars, the armies, any of it. but i love the troops who fight with my safety in mind. every one of them that falls is one less person willing to give up their life for us. i owe the same peace of mind i enjoy to the families those soldiers live behind.
Kcir and his team have more planned for the coming weeks, however due to the nature of their activities I won’t be announcing those plans just yet. It’s not that they’ll be doing anything illegal, but secrecy is key. Just know that when it does happen, ModBlog will be here to bring you all the glorious details.
That’s Kcir on the left, and the sign he’s holding says “Hookin’ fer Christ“.