See? St. Louis isn’t so bad!

As I’ve mentioned in the past, the thing I really like about ennui zero is that when she sends in a play piercing set she’s almost always got a great dress on. When I get these photos, sometimes I get the crazy idea that I should put together a coffee table book of play piercing and self-cutting, professionally shot… or even a magazine.

ModCon book how-to

Onega demonstrates the correct way to read the now out-of-print ModCon book. And yes, it really is out of print. I have about twenty copies here, and Ryan has about the same at the shop. No reprint is planned for the immediate future because there are new books in the queue, including part two to this book… So if we do put the last few into stock, grab them to avoid paying $200 used.

And now your St. Paddy’s Day pinup

I have so many Irish Pride tattoos on BME that I really should do an entry on themBut instead all these words link to different Irish tattoos on the site. Seem fair? Anyway, I’ve mentioned goofball SuperDirk here before, so let me share a couple more photos of him for the drunken holiday… which for me is about to begin! Phil and I went out and bought beer, green food coloring, and glasses…

PS. Yes, even Irish Nazis and Irish Skinheads.

Also, the comments system is getting very stressed by the load on this site, so I’m going to have to upgrade its engine soon. In the meantime, if you go to a subpage here with no comments listed, try pressing reload and they should appear. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Do the math please.

Well, since I made obvious and graphic fellatio references a few entries back, let me make some more subtle and tasteful references to the equally worthwhile gender inverted version. Thanks to the very, very sexy Babefox from Brasil for helping illustrate what’s expected of you with this sequence.

Yes, I have entirely taken the photos out of context I imagine. Sorry Fabiana!

Camaro Tattoo




This photo was sent to me by a reader from Warsaw, Poland, of (presumably) their Camaro tattoo. I can’t really pinpoint why, but I really find this super sexy… I don’t know if it’s because of growing up reading car magazines and thus associating pinups with cars, or just that I think oldschool Camaros are sexy? Either way, I like it even though it’s really not the kind of tattoo that I’d normally be into.

My sad life

None of the photos below involve me, either literally or, at least for this weekend, thematically. I hope you are luckier than me. There are all these PNP ads from gay dudes on Craigslist looking for stoner straight guys to blow… While the thought of spending the night smoking pot and getting oral seems pretty good, I am neither high nor desperate enough to go down that route.

Anyway, from the archives of BME/HARD of course…

Tandem Suspension Pre-Lift

If I understand this photo from CJ (that’s him on the top, and Jer on the bottom), CJ was not entirely sure that the rigging (by TSD) was done properly, so Jer was asked to lie there to break his fall should any of the bolts pop out of the wall. It might not seem like much, but falling onto concrete on your belly from five feet hurts… This way the combination of crushing Jer and the massage table padding makes it almost painless*. But maybe I’m not understanding correctly.

* For CJ only… Jer on the other hand? World of pain. But someone’s gotta do it.

White Ink Snowflake Tattoo




This gorgeous white ink snowflake is by Timppa from Other Side Tattoo in Lahti, Finland (a rather snowy place I’m sure). This picture was taken a week after the first touch-up, and at least one more snowflake will be added still. Seriously, I wish more people would do these — and more artists would do them! Don’t go to just anyone though if you want something like this as white is notoriously hard to put in evenly, and very easy to contaminate.