August Toe Revision

A friend who I’ve featured here before with his finger revisions sends in this work he did back in August to give his toes a shorter and cleaner look. The quality of work he’s done is really quite exceptional for self-amputation and the healed results (you can see some on the smaller toes) are very nice if you’re into this sort of thing.

BME Newsfeed for Sep 19, 2006

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ODB Portrait Tattoo

I don’t know if people who read this blog read my more rambly personal blog as well, but I’m kind of wiped out today so the real posts will have to wait until tomorrow (thanks to Marty for driving me to the doctor). But I did want to at least share with you a pretty suspension, a pretty girl, another pretty girl, a pretty boy, and then top it off with ODB (aka Russel Jones, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, Dirt McGirt, Big Baby Jesus). Tattoo by Jesse Britten at Standard Ink Tattoo Co. in Chattanooga, TN.

BME Newsfeed for Sep 17, 2006

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