Ink, Blood, and Spirit: The Little Swastika Documentary

We had caught wind via email that a Swedish film maker by the name of Claudio Marino has decided to make a short documentary about our old pal Little Swastika.

littleswastikaI have always been a huge fan of Marc’s work, and it has been featured heavily on ModBlog and in the galleries. There is a sort of a mystique around Little Swastika and his shop that I would be genuinely interested in learning a lot more about. The film will be a short 15 minute documentary about the four days the film makers spent in Zurich with Marc. You can watch the teaser trailer below, and be sure to check out the official website for the film! I’ll be looking forward to this one!

Ink, Blood and Spirit – Teaser 1 from Claudio Marino on Vimeo.

Marc’s Third Double-Canvas

I have mentioned Marc (Little Swastika) and his multi-person tattoos before — you can click here to see the first two (four?) that he did. Over four presumably epic sessions he’s completed his third double-canvas tattoo, which you can see below. It’s not uncommon for someone to get a tattoo of their partner’s name, or to get little matching tattoos with their best friend, but this takes it to a whole new level… It resculpts the body into something that doesn’t make sense on its own any more… It creates a world in which you are forever — like it or not — unified with another person. The bond is so extreme it’s almost mindboggling to think about… And heartbreaking to imagine what it would be like if the two were separated, be it by death or be it by the foibles of love. If things don’t work out, one is forever broken in half. And while you’re thinking about this, look carefully at the tattoo — it’s not just a tattoo that runs across the beast with two backs. The tattoo is designed to look it’s best only when the one is holding the other.


Little Swastika-Style Hanya Backpiece

I’ve said this a few times, and I hope no one takes offense, but after being constantly exposed to the current deluge of stunning — and it really is amazing work — blackwork, oft-sacred geometry, neotribal, it all starts to look the same, without any particular message or explicit unique personality. Simultaneously empty and profound — I think that’s part of the beauty of math, especially when encoded in flesh. Meditative emptiness in a tattoo. But it’s hard for me to separate myself from the ego, and I always enjoy expression that comes with an easily identified unique identity. A good example of that is this backpiece by Marc (, which combines his bold art-tribal with a traditional Japanese Hanya mask, done in a sketchy trash style… A great fusion of different styles in a tattoo that is unlikely to get mixed up with anyone else’s.

Little Swastika Book

Marc, better known as Little Swastika, is an avant garde tattoo artist that’s a leader in the new worlds of dotwork, geometry, “trash” tattooing, neotribal spiritualism and fine art tattooing. He has just released a limited edition book of paintings and sketches done between 2005 and 2009. It is 108 pages long, printed in a limited hand-numbered and signed edition of 108 copies, and costs 108 euro (about $140 USD). This is a must-have for any tattoo studio — it’s not flash, but it’s a wonderful design resource — or tattoo artist interested in this style as well as art collectors. You can click below to take a closer look, or visit to find out how to get your own copy of this incredibly special book.


Marc’s work has been featured on ModBlog ever since I first saw his work, at the time at his earlier studio Swastika Freakshop, but while I have your attention, let me show you two recent creations. On the left, and amazingly dense and manic chestpiece that somehow mix the scrawlings of a madman with ripples and spirals and sacred geometry, and on the left, an evocative backpiece in dripping in saturated full color, with multiple layers of both scribbled block printing and Marc’s highly stylized and very recognizable red script. If you enjoy art tattooing, Marc is one of the best, creative and technically gifted.

little-swastika-tat1t little-swastika-tat2t

Finally, since they have not yet been covered on ModBlog, I want to give coverage to Marc’s work with double backpieces. Marc’s art is sometimes so big and powerful that it takes more than one person to contain it, as he splashes his striking visions across friends and families. Here are three examples of multi-person tattoos that he’s performed, as well as a shot of him working on laying down a stencil on two of his latest subjects. I love all of these (even though the one in the top row does cover up a BME logo!).

little-swastika-dtat1t little-swastika-dtat2t

little-swastika-dtat3t little-swastika-dtat4t

Again, you can find Marc online at, or click here to see a collection of ModBlog entries of his work. I just spent a few minutes going through it myself and found lots of wonderful pieces that had slipped my memory — his portfolio is beyond incredible. Have I mentioned what a fan I am? Finally you can also track him down on Facebook at There are very few artists who I whole-heartedly endorse. Marc is one of them.

More amazing work from the freaky swastika…

John Durante, like Ron Garza, (who I mentioned not too long ago) is another great example of a body modification renaissance man.  He owns and runs the extremely popular Evolve Body Jewelry Company, offers piercing and scarification out of Laughing Buddha as well as on the road, and he travels extensively to integrate himself into all aspects of this community of ours.

Amongst his travels he had the chance to get this amazing tattoo by a favorite amongst Modblog readers, Marc from the now defunct, Swastika Freakshop.


Suspension Daisy Chain

This photo (in which I see Marc of Little Swastika and Roland, Oli, and Ralf of Visavajara) of a circular ring of people doing the suspension hook piercing of the person in front of them by being pierced by the one behind them is totally the suspension version of a daisy chain. And I’m not talking about the innocent sort


Psychedelic Bodmod Yin-Yang

A few days ago I posted about the third “double canvas tattoo” that Marc (Little Swastika) had completed. He has quite a few of these in progress — he tells me there are four on the go at present — but this one is particularly unusual because the mirroring only works in this very peculiar configuration, a sort of psychedelic bodmod yin-yang.


The Black Eyeball Club

I like this club so much more than the Sacred Order of the Black Toe.

Howie (Lunacobra), the most experienced eye-tattooer, who has been performing and fine-tuning the procedure for longer than anyone else out there, has been doing some very exciting new work that I’m dying to share with you but that is going to have to wait until another post because in this one I’m featuring a set of people with black eyes. First is my friend Marc ( in Radolfzell, who just had his second eye finished by Howie after having just the one done for quite some time. In the photo on the left he looks like some sort of deranged elf-creature rearing up out of its supernatural lair, don’t you think?

All the pictures in this entry can be zoomed.

Next on my list is this customer of Emilio Gonzalez’s ( — all of his heavy mods (implants and split tongue) as well as the eye tattoos are by Emilio, and as I may have posted before, this is one of my favorite forehead implant projects.

Finally, Roni Lachowicz, whose eyes are self done, and finally has her website up at You’ll actually find a gallery of her eye tattoos (as in work on customers, not on herself) there that’s made up (at least as of this writing) of almost exclusively black eyes.