International Logo Spotting

A little while ago I received the following video in my inbox.  If you have the same language barrier that I have, you’ll want to skip to the 1:55 mark to see the relevant portion of the video.

This news piece was filmed in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine at a tattoo festival a couple of weeks ago.  ModBlog reader Mark sent this in along with this picture of the completed piece.


Of course the BME Logo has found its way on to many people from all over the world, as you can see in the BME Logo tattoo gallery.  To think that it’s been over 15 years since the late Scott Fox first designed the logo, and while he may not have lived to see how widespread his image would become, his memory is still alive in the hearts of those who knew him, and I’m sure seeing his design carried all over the would makes them proud to have known him.

Also Coming to the Philly Convention? BME!

(Self-done BME logo cutting by Jon Underwood — his first, no less!)

As if John Joyce, John Durante, Brian Decker and Ryan Ouellette weren’t enough to get you to the upcoming Philadelphia Tattoo Arts convention, running in scenic Philadelphia from February 27 to March 1, hold onto your butts, because BME will be there too! And not just walking around fondling people, either — we’ll have a booth and everything! The ever-lovely MissMeg will be on hand to pierce, and Rachel will be there holding down the fort, filming, taking photos, selling T-shirts [Note: buy T-shirts, lots of them] and doing all sorts of fun giveaways. This is shaping up to be one hell of a weekend, friends — get there.

Also, there is still space available for people/shops/etc. looking for booths. Visiting the convention’s web site for details, or call Troy at 215-882-1362.