Jaelbait had this cutting piece done about six months before this photo was taken (it’s about a two month old photo) by Tom Brazda (who I personally consider the brightest mind in body modification in terms of “getting” how the body works) from Toronto when he was touring at Strange City in Edmonton, Alberta.
Tag Archives: body-modification
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So hungry… By Chris Hornus at Consolidated Ink and Steel.
Skull and Crossbones DESTROY chestpiece
Two months old
Cale‘s vertical bridge, done at Alternative Arts in Denver, Colorado.
“Today was one of those days…”
The aptly named NoNipples.
In the midnight hour, she cried MORE MORE MORE!
First I post a Skid Row tattoo, and now this. Rebel Yell! By Jeff at Love Tattoo on Severed.
Correction Time: The Force
When I first posted this (well, a photo taken in the same set) I thought it was a flourescent tube. Turns out that I was wrong and HBcubs is actually taking on a lightsaber through his giant labret. It’s lucky that piercing is there, because as I understand it, otherwise he’d just be a pile of clothes on the floor.
Caught in the act
Clowns in Love?
Mazinha and Joo Caldara
This cutting of a cute flower-offering robot by Ben at Future Skin in Ottawa, Canada, on Infested is going to distract her from the terrifying onset of the upcoming human robot apocalypse.