Tag Archives: body-modification
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That’s definitely buried in there
This pretty intense navel piercing, buried vertically, deep in the tissue, is by my old friend Toro, who I once got implants by… Which is a long unpleasant story unfortunately, like pretty much all my implants it seems!
Nipple Sun Tattoo
Laura writes,
“This is my first tattoo, I got it today. It was done by Newt at Physical Graffiti in Rochester, NY. I’m not going to say it didn’t hurt, but I don’t know how a tattoo on a “normal” part of my body would feel. I like it but I’m planning on getting it added to, either with color or with lettering on the inside. My favorite part is the stars, I hope to get them colored in someday. Hope you like it!”
I do like it, and (not that nipples aren’t great to start with, but…) think more people should make their nipples a little more interesting.
Too cute. Way too cute.
The Kurt Halsey quarter sleeve is by Mike Sizemore at Blue Devil in Florida, the hair, the dress, the smile… it’s like kitten overload or something.
Does it snow in Australia?
Shows how ignorant I am. All I know is they do scars there. Seriously, I have no idea if it does or not (I’m guessing it never does in Maroochydore?). Anyway, these gorgeous snowflake cuttings were done by Wayde Dunn at Puncture Body Piercing in Maroochydore, Qld, Australia.
Measure Twice, Pierce Once
This is what happens when you use a barbell with small beads that’s also too short. But it was worth it because the piercer that did this charges $10 less than the guy down the street with experience and an APP membership. Right? Always accept the lowest bid when your life — or at least your beautiful face — is on the line. Yeah, there’s some great advice. Now I think I’m going to go out and get the cheapest haircut I can find.
Gears Scarification
I like Branislav’s skin removal by hell.cz:
Rachel’s piercings were done by Chris “Bignutt” Jerbasi (should I ask how he got that nickname?) at Al Tattoo in Franklinville, NJ. I’m sorry, she’s very pretty and all, but now all I can think about is the legend of Bignutt. I don’t know if he’s a bulk baby juice factory or if he’s got a hydrocele or what… but Bignutt.
I am so immature.
Bass Tattoo
As in the fish, not the guitar. This tattoo was done by Carlos Montes at Fresno Tattoo in (you guessed it) Fresno, CA. Speaking of fishing, check out IAM member Adam Guy‘s article on fugu (as in the killer poison sushi in The Simpsons).
Stunning Foot Tattoos
On Steve Truitt, left foot by Mike Giant and right foot by Tim Kern.