From Bryce:
Tag Archives: body-modification
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“Stare into the air, like u just don’t care”
iam:satanycandle from Singapore
Dull Knife
Yeah, I know I said I wasn’t posting today. I’m a dull knife too I guess, always doing things I say I’m not going to. Thanks to Singer for this tattoo (by Pedro, Optic Nerve Arts, Portland OR). I am taking Friday off though — honest — because it’s my birthday and I was going to go out of town and go swimming (it will be nice and cold).
Nice Big Eyes
Martyna = Destiny
I’ve posted a shot of Martyna (“non-stop erotic cabaret” — sounds good to me) from Poland here before, but she just joined IAM so I thought it would be as good an excuse as any to do it again. The full sized pictures and a couple others are on her page if you want more or would like to say hello.
Where should the line be drawn?
In follow-up to the conversation on in what context (if any) a “Hitler tattoo” is appropriate, Lane Jensen (iam:inksation) asks,
Does a shop have a moral obligation to turn away serial killer portraits the same way they turn away racist tattoos?
Mike Gibson at Dragon FX who did these Richard Ramirez (the Nightstalker) and Albert Fish portrait tattoos says, “no”.
“A Fad For Tattoos”
I’ve found this story reprinted in a few papers. The earliest publication I could personally find it in was in The Davenport Daily Leader (December 28, 1884), but it was originally published in the Boston Journal slightly earlier.
Collecting In His Own Body Specimens of the Art From Everywhere.
I heard recently of an unusually odd kind of fad. It is in the possession of a wealthy Portsmouth man, who married an actress once familiarly known in Boston. He is a collector of tattoos. The exhibits are all on his own body, and I am told — it is only a matter of hearsay — that the collection is very rare. He is a connoisseur on the various kinds of tattoos, the methods of the tribes that wear them and their history. A new tattoo is as fascinating to him as a first edition or a bit of Egyptian glass that has survived the art to make it. Only a short time since he heard of a tribe in South America which owned a tattoo of which he had never heard before, and he started post haste for the interior of the southern half of the western continent and returned with the tattoo in his possession.
It surely has the claim of being an original fad, and it is one in which the collector is not likely to have many rivals. Moreover, it is a collection of which no one and no thing can rob him. It cannot be stolen; it cannot be auctioned by his creditors; envy cannot seize upon it, nor experts malign. It costs nothing to keep it, requires no insurance. Of course as an investment one cannot claim anything for it, but it has the advantage of being pursued for its own sake and not in any spirit that can be mistaken.
I really like that last paragraph, it’s really as true today as it was then (other than the first statement being wrong then, and wrong now). Anyway, because I like having pictures with entries, I’ll also share these two ads that ran alongside the article… maybe these could have been used for infected tattoos as well?
“Purity in Honesty”
Pauly Unstoppable recently reopened his cheek cuttings and added more on his forehead.
Fishing Gone Terribly Wrong
Thanks to Naga for sending in this photo from the show Societas Insomnia done at The Someday Lounge.
Double Trouble
photo: aesthetic-perfection