Feels like the first time..

Feels like the very first time!

Sorry, I have that song stuck in my head now so I thought I would share my pain.  Speaking of sharing, the First Blood crew is sharing the photos from their Hooks ‘n Hearts event from a few weeks back.  We’ve already seen the winner of the “nakedest” suspension, so here’s the winner of the “Best First Time” suspension.  I don’t know what the qualifications for getting the award were, but she does look like she’s having a great time, and that’s good enough for me.

First Blood is located in Sydney, Australia.

The BMEShop is having a sale right now!


Just use the code 30offbme when you check out!

Hooks and Hearts

Two weeks ago Joeltron and the rest of the gang at First Blood held “Hooks ‘n Hearts”, a suspension event in Sydney.  There’s a lot of great photos to share from the festivities, but for today we’re going to take a look at a suicide suspension by a big suspension fan.

Keep an eye out for more photos, including the winner of the “Most Nakedest Suspension”.

The BMEShop is having a sale right now!


Just use the code 30offbme when you check out!

Captain Cavemaaaaaaaaan!!

Bradde is one wild and crazy guy.  Sure these photos were taken on Halloween, but this is how he normally dresses.

And here’s a closer look at those hooks in his nipples.

This was all part of Mercury Suspension Team‘s Halloween show.

The BMEShop is having a sale right now!


Just use the code 30offbme when you check out!


To quote Nyan Cat..

nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan

It was those words of wisdom that guided Benolyn to dress up and suspend as Nyan Cat for Halloween.

The pink rigging plate is a nice touch courtesy the Mercury Suspension Team.

Now boarding all passengers

#Leeds Airlines is now boarding all passengers for today’s river crossing.  Please be advised that we are expecting some turbulence in the river today, so make sure your hooks are securely fastened to your flesh.  Your cabin crew will be on hand to ensure your rigging is in place, and your emergency harness is fastened.  The weather today in Saint-Petersburg is a balmy 27 degrees Celsius, with a slight breeze over the open waters.  Enjoy your flight.

Thank you for flying #Leeds Airlines, we look forward to flying with you again sometime soon.

Hanging out at BMEFest 2011

We’re starting to get pictures from BMEFest 2011 sent into the galleries, and this first one comes from Tobias and it features his very first suspension.  Cere from ROP facilitated the suspension, but he wasn’t alone in helping Tobias get off the ground.  With the support of everyone around, especially that of the photographer, Miss McShady, Tobias managed to get in the air and had an incredible experience.  This photo below sums up not only his suspension, but also the general vibe of the weekend.  Good friends enjoying the company of others, and having a lot of fun.

Oh, and in case you’ve never been to a BME event before, this close-up should give you an idea of just what kind of fun was had.

Yes, that is a double ended dildo.

Keep an eye out for more photos from the party!


There were a lot of great moments from the 2011 Dallas Suscon, one of which was this suspension from the ihung.org crew.  If I recall correctly, this is Drew from ihung, and he suspended pretty early on in the weekend.  The dome he’s in is ihung’s portable suspension rigging, which can set up pretty much anywhere they want to suspend someone, without having to find a building or a tree.