Random Acts of Suspension

As the first person to ever successfully complete a facial suspension, Supa is always looking for a challenge when it comes to suspension.  At a recent Kaptive8 Suspension Krew event, Supa left it up to chance when it came time to suspend.  The number of hooks, hook placement, and orientation were all randomly drawn from a hat.  In the end it was 7 hooks, spread across his left knee, left thigh, right calf, right upper back, top of the ass crack, right butt cheek, and throat.  Positioning was set as his left side facing up.  So what does a random suspension look like?  This.

Two in the chest

The Dallas Suscon happened last weekend, and hopefully we’ll start to get some pictures in soon.  (I’m looking at you Naked Lens).

Until then, here’s something from the #Leeds Airlines crew.  This is Viktor’s first suspension ever, and he chose a 2 pt chest for the occasion.

On pins and needles

Alright, this is going to be one of those posts where I start out with a warning.  What you’re about to see is very risky, and shouldn’t be done without extensive knowledge and research.  The materials used in particular are not traditionally used in this way and and the chance for serious injury is high.

So what’s all the fuss about?  How about a 220 point suspension using only 22ga needles.

Keep on reading to see what happened when they lifted up the rig.

As you can see, it ended up being successful, and I can’t even imagine what that must have felt like. Keep in mind that just because this suspension was successful, it shouldn’t be repeated without careful consideration.  You can see the rest of the photos in the Suspension Galleries.

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Hooked on Dotwork

For a split second I was going to credit this tattoo to Joeltron, when I realized that Joel uploaded this because it’s on his own back.  I’m guessing that the artist is Naithsolution, given the watermark in the corner, and it was done at First Blood in Australia.  As for the subject matter, anyone who has suspended will easily identify this as a rigging plate and carabiner.

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