That’s no moon. It’s a space station.

Since before the Beatles declared themselves bigger than Jesus, pop culture had already won the recognition battle over religion. So it’s no surprise that every time I see a tattoo of the famous stigmatic Padre Pio all I can think of is Obi Wan Kenobi circa 1977 a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. This example is by Jonattan “Pipeño” Torres at Extima in Copiapó, Chile.

First Thailand Tattoo Convention, Bangkok

Thanks to my friend B-Boy (who has sent many wonderful things over the years) for sending in these pictures from Thailand’s first (annual?) tattoo convention (see also: Sao Paulo tattoo convention photos). On the whole tattooing is remarkable similar all around the world, but still I always like seeing the subtle differences in style and interpretation in different cultures.

These and more (BME has multiple members in Thailand that were photographing that convention) will be in the next update of BME, which is currently sitting at a massive 5,000+ images. However, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, this server is having mega problems right now. A replacement is set to arrive next week, but I’m afraid something is going to crash before then so we’re working to get stuff moved. I’m very sorry to the people who are patiently waiting for updates, memberships, and so on… We are working on it.

PS. If BME goes offline for any extended periods, you can checking (or IAM) for more information. That’s on a different server and I’ll use it to post if I need to.

Facesitting anyone?

I was going to write a caption about how this seems like an unusual position to tattoo from but that it was somehow justified by poor vision, but then I decided the joke wasn’t terribly funny. So just enjoy it without a caption… More explicit photos are in BME/HARD by the way (or will be on the next update).