This is Legend tonight‘s porn star autograph. If you think that’s cool, I suspect you’ll also like his KISS ARMY chestpiece (sorry, I added that at the last minute so it’s an IAM-member only link).
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This is a “STUPID” tattoo
…But will he regret it? By Derick Allen at Skin Deep Tattoos at Winter Haven, FL.
Sorry, I do not have an answer right now to your “why” questions.
EDIT: I just got the following note to share:
He had been thinking of this tattoo for two years and finally did it… Derrick Allen at Skin Deep Tattoos here in Winterhaven, FL said — and I quote — “if you’re stupid enough to do that, I will do it for free”, and then it was all done. There were thirteen people in the booth with camera phones, digital cameras… it was crazy! People were calling friends saying “dude, you won’t believe this…” It was the best… he has more crazy facial and head tattoos coming including “something” down the side of his nose and a bullet hole on the back of his head. Everywhere we go people try washing it off, and take pictures with their phones to send to friends! It’s great!
Anyway, I posted loads of stuff today here so don’t be mad if I take tomorrow off (from ModBlog). That said, I’m working on adding some guest bloggers here, so maybe there’ll be posts other than my bursts of rambling and random pictures soon.
“Leave it to Peever” Tattoo
His last name is “Peever” — get it? Tattoo by Csaba in Zurich.
The Curse of the Name Tattoo
Tattoo legend has it that if you get a tattoo of a romantic partner’s name, or get a matching tattoo with them, that the relationship is doomed. This further before and after anecdotal evidence is by Curtis Richter at The Quillian in Allentown, PA.
I have three matching tattoos with ex-partners. Two dumped me, I dumped the other. I can’t say I won’t do it again, because I record my life with my body, and I don’t regret any of the tattoos in the least… But from everything I’ve seen, I’d suggest this curse applies in at least 80% of cases.
I sure like the addition to Positively Simple‘s fingers by Swirly Wanx Sinatra in Brisbane, Australia. Oh wait, am I posting too many Australians again?
“Embrace Every Moment” Tattoo
By Fred at Jade Dragon in Chicago.
Punk Ass Fuck Tattoo
I know what “Ass Fuck” means, but how is it different if you do it punk style? Does that mean you use saran wrap as a condom? I’m just kidding, I understand the expression; tattoo on PunkAssFuck (who I have mentioned before here) by Zeck at True Rebel Tattoo in Hamburg, Germany.
Et tu, Brute?
Since today is tattoo day on BME, let’s do all tattoos, finishing up with this “III: ET TU BRUTE” classics tattoo by Nikk at Lunchbox Tattoo in Johnsburg, IL.
Edit: The text of this entry doesn’t entirely make sense because I seem to have worked and played too hard yesterday and passed out before managing to get the entries posted, ha!
Yeah, well I voted for Pedro.
Inner lip “I am Jack’s tattoo” Fight Club motif by Chris Seizeone at 318 Tattoo in Morgantown, WV.
Medic Alert Tattoo
I’m not at all sure what the “30 mg Cortef / L Onset C.A.H.” means (and I’m not even 100% sure if I’ve read it right), but it sure is a lot neater than my doctor’s handwriting, ha… Tattoo by Cindy Vega at Local Color Tattoo in Broomall, PA.