I’m pretty sure there’s not much I need to say about this awesome cautery scalp branding, other than it’s by Steve Haworth (more, if you have half an hour to kill) and on the very gorgeous Jessestar (more)..

Plenty more appearing on BMEzine.com soon!
i read on steve’s wordpress website that he retired from piercing- but he still does branding and implants?! i hope, i hope. i live in phoenix 🙂
Really really impressive. Like most scarification work, hope to see healed pics sometime
Impressive, to say the least.
cool, looks like a cyborg helmet
i love steve’s t-shirt.
awesome branding btw.
crazy mod man goes scalp scar wild.
That is beautiful, but OW.
nice. I just watched similar procedure done and it smelled so bad,haha. But nevertheless, it was amazing and I loved the way it looks.
Pretty rough healing process from what I’ve seen
Is that a centurian helmet?
Excellent helmet. My second favourite only to this:
spartan helmets !!
Seems rather peaceful in the first pic of the procedure.
I wonder if hair will grow in the spots that have been branded… nifty idea though.
jesus thats one hell of a look!
I want to know what the guys shirt says : (
#11 pretty impressive
still sad I missed out on that goodart shirt. but my son has one of the boy with the fish 🙂
Uhh…that guy…is very pretty.
Thatsa Jesse!
Post more brandings, I love them!
I want to see that healed.
i <3 bme boysssss.. and bme girls for that matter 😛
what is wrong with people. im all for getting tattoos/piercings and finding new ways to express yourself, but this guy looks like a fucking idiot , straight up. might as well get unemployed tattooed on his forhead. he doesnt look cool or original, im suprised he hasnt got his head kicked in yet.
LOL I have that T Shirt
Yay, I knew you’d end up here 🙂