Have you ever woken up in the morning, looked through bleary eyes* at your reflection in the mirror and been overwhelmed by the desire to:
a) Do something new and exciting with your nipple piercing.
b) Make lots of loud fizzing/popping/banging noises to annoy the neighbours who kept you up until 3am playing the same drum and bass track over and over again at top volume.
c) Play with flames.
I know I have!
Bern reflected on this for a while and came up with a fine way to start the day/enact revenge, he combined a), b) and c), to make, erm, c)a)b) this…
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* – Sometimes caffeine just doesn’t do the job.
holy cow! its amazing what BS the body can put up with.
now lets see him do it with a cherry bomb!
holy cow! its amazing what BS the body can put up with.
now lets see him do it with a cherry bomb!
holy cow! its amazing what BS the body can put up with.
now lets see him do it with a cherry bomb!
holy cow! its amazing what BS the body can put up with.
now lets see him do it with a cherry bomb!
lmao……I’m not stirred to comment often, but that was just awesomeness. Thanks!
lmao……I’m not stirred to comment often, but that was just awesomeness. Thanks!
lmao……I’m not stirred to comment often, but that was just awesomeness. Thanks!
lmao……I’m not stirred to comment often, but that was just awesomeness. Thanks!
boom boom
boom boom
boom boom
boom boom
I really thought that was going to destroy his nipple.
I really thought that was going to destroy his nipple.
I really thought that was going to destroy his nipple.
I really thought that was going to destroy his nipple.
wow. that was ballsy.
wow. that was ballsy.
wow. that was ballsy.
wow. that was ballsy.
WOW, but I think my nipple piercing will stay as it is!!
WOW, but I think my nipple piercing will stay as it is!!
WOW, but I think my nipple piercing will stay as it is!!
WOW, but I think my nipple piercing will stay as it is!!
that was great – and now im stuck with the vengaboys going around my freakin head!!!
that was great – and now im stuck with the vengaboys going around my freakin head!!!
that was great – and now im stuck with the vengaboys going around my freakin head!!!
that was great – and now im stuck with the vengaboys going around my freakin head!!!
I remember a cherry bomb going off suddenly in my hand once when I was younger…i had a ringing in my ear for a week and a dull ache and numbness to my hand for that week as well. wonder how his nipple is holding up lol
love the intro and outro too lol
I remember a cherry bomb going off suddenly in my hand once when I was younger…i had a ringing in my ear for a week and a dull ache and numbness to my hand for that week as well. wonder how his nipple is holding up lol
love the intro and outro too lol
I remember a cherry bomb going off suddenly in my hand once when I was younger…i had a ringing in my ear for a week and a dull ache and numbness to my hand for that week as well. wonder how his nipple is holding up lol
love the intro and outro too lol
I remember a cherry bomb going off suddenly in my hand once when I was younger…i had a ringing in my ear for a week and a dull ache and numbness to my hand for that week as well. wonder how his nipple is holding up lol
love the intro and outro too lol
Wooooo that has fun!
Wooooo that has fun!
Wooooo that has fun!
Wooooo that has fun!
blackroses – Me too, I’ve had nightmares for days.
blackroses – Me too, I’ve had nightmares for days.
blackroses – Me too, I’ve had nightmares for days.
blackroses – Me too, I’ve had nightmares for days.
that was awesome
that was awesome
that was awesome
that was awesome
hahah the music of the slow mo replay made me laugh much more than I should’ve.
hahah the music of the slow mo replay made me laugh much more than I should’ve.
hahah the music of the slow mo replay made me laugh much more than I should’ve.
hahah the music of the slow mo replay made me laugh much more than I should’ve.
holy shit! The slow motion is so much more terrifying. Well, that’s one way to get excited.
holy shit! The slow motion is so much more terrifying. Well, that’s one way to get excited.
holy shit! The slow motion is so much more terrifying. Well, that’s one way to get excited.
holy shit! The slow motion is so much more terrifying. Well, that’s one way to get excited.
Man! that has got to fuckin hurt!!
{love the monty python clip the title is from}
Man! that has got to fuckin hurt!!
{love the monty python clip the title is from}
Man! that has got to fuckin hurt!!
{love the monty python clip the title is from}
Man! that has got to fuckin hurt!!
{love the monty python clip the title is from}
off with zee nipple!
off with zee nipple!
off with zee nipple!
off with zee nipple!
I saw the firecracker go off and I was like D=
But then the music started and I was like =D
I saw the firecracker go off and I was like D=
But then the music started and I was like =D
I saw the firecracker go off and I was like D=
But then the music started and I was like =D
I saw the firecracker go off and I was like D=
But then the music started and I was like =D
Horay for Boobies !!
Horay for Boobies !!
Horay for Boobies !!
Horay for Boobies !!
thats not a firecracker its its little sister the lady finger and one of the weakest fireworks ever this is weak
thats not a firecracker its its little sister the lady finger and one of the weakest fireworks ever this is weak
thats not a firecracker its its little sister the lady finger and one of the weakest fireworks ever this is weak
thats not a firecracker its its little sister the lady finger and one of the weakest fireworks ever this is weak
he should have tried another hole.
he should have tried another hole.
he should have tried another hole.
he should have tried another hole.
that’s hilarious.
best video ever. Venga boys was the icing on the cake.
hot hairy chest too
that’s hilarious.
best video ever. Venga boys was the icing on the cake.
hot hairy chest too
that’s hilarious.
best video ever. Venga boys was the icing on the cake.
hot hairy chest too
that’s hilarious.
best video ever. Venga boys was the icing on the cake.
hot hairy chest too
I love how Vengaboys just finished it at the end.
Bye bye chest hair!
I love how Vengaboys just finished it at the end.
Bye bye chest hair!
I love how Vengaboys just finished it at the end.
Bye bye chest hair!
I love how Vengaboys just finished it at the end.
Bye bye chest hair!
My brain hurts.
My brain hurts.
My brain hurts.
My brain hurts.
that hurts just to see the pic … F’ing incredible though … well done!
that hurts just to see the pic … F’ing incredible though … well done!
that hurts just to see the pic … F’ing incredible though … well done!
that hurts just to see the pic … F’ing incredible though … well done!
I’d hate to ever be bored enough to think “wow, where could I put a firecracker?”
Could be a quick way of getting my PA from 0g to 00g though…
I’d hate to ever be bored enough to think “wow, where could I put a firecracker?”
Could be a quick way of getting my PA from 0g to 00g though…
I’d hate to ever be bored enough to think “wow, where could I put a firecracker?”
Could be a quick way of getting my PA from 0g to 00g though…
I’d hate to ever be bored enough to think “wow, where could I put a firecracker?”
Could be a quick way of getting my PA from 0g to 00g though…
IMO, that was just plain stupid… and a cry for attention.
IMO, that was just plain stupid… and a cry for attention.
IMO, that was just plain stupid… and a cry for attention.
IMO, that was just plain stupid… and a cry for attention.
Yes, that’s ladyfinger. A baby-size firecracker…but there’s still discomfort if you’re holding it in your fingers when it explodes. (Or your nipple.)
Yes, that’s ladyfinger. A baby-size firecracker…but there’s still discomfort if you’re holding it in your fingers when it explodes. (Or your nipple.)
Yes, that’s ladyfinger. A baby-size firecracker…but there’s still discomfort if you’re holding it in your fingers when it explodes. (Or your nipple.)
Yes, that’s ladyfinger. A baby-size firecracker…but there’s still discomfort if you’re holding it in your fingers when it explodes. (Or your nipple.)
WOW all I could think the whole time was don’t light the chest hair on fire!! And for the comments that the firecracker was a ladyfinger- I don’t care if it was a pop rock that shit sure as hell wouldn’t be going near my nipple piercings! I give this guy all the credit in the world!!
WOW all I could think the whole time was don’t light the chest hair on fire!! And for the comments that the firecracker was a ladyfinger- I don’t care if it was a pop rock that shit sure as hell wouldn’t be going near my nipple piercings! I give this guy all the credit in the world!!
WOW all I could think the whole time was don’t light the chest hair on fire!! And for the comments that the firecracker was a ladyfinger- I don’t care if it was a pop rock that shit sure as hell wouldn’t be going near my nipple piercings! I give this guy all the credit in the world!!
WOW all I could think the whole time was don’t light the chest hair on fire!! And for the comments that the firecracker was a ladyfinger- I don’t care if it was a pop rock that shit sure as hell wouldn’t be going near my nipple piercings! I give this guy all the credit in the world!!