Hoo boy, this guy? This guy is just a mountain of a man. You know all the stories that have been alternately told throughout the years about Bill Brasky/Vin Diesel/Chuck Norris/Angela Lansbury/etc.? Every time those various feats of strength and hilarity were told, the storyteller was thinking about this man. True story.
(Tattoos by Jan, Igor and Kaska at Fur Immer Tattoo in Berlin and Classic Ink and Mods in Amsterdam; body hammered out by Hephaestus himself.)
See more in “Tribal and Blackwork Tattoos“ (Tattoos)
Has to be the hottest man that Modblog has ever seen.
some kind of sex god.
I love his mods and the chaos star on his chest is awesome 🙂
the cow is my personal fav.
Oh. Oh my. Hello, good sir.
who is this guy?
Damn…I’m not usually attracted to muscular guys at all, but…damn…
Mmm. The cow is pretty ridiculous.
i’d totally let him fuck me.
Indeed, the cow kind of…fucks up the whole idea of big bad guy, which makes him so cool 😛
I will second comment number 1.
I love the neck tattoos!
Toooootally agreed with #9, it does take away from the tough look… But maybe that was the intention?
Either way, what a man!
oh my. having some trouble tearing my eyes off those neck tattoos and hip bones.
Now that’s a man right there. Wow.
Holy Jesus.
I agree PC, HOLY SWEET JESUS. One of the most beautiful men I have ever seen holy CRAP. Sexy as hell YIKES! Beautiful mods, I am… totally… drooling.
I LOVE the implants in his arm! I also love like all of his tattoos and stretched labret!
oh dear gods I’m pretty sure he wants to father my child
Pretty sure that’s not an implant… I think that’s a vein, through which flows the blood of Christ himself.
correction, not the hottest guy that’s been on here.
he’s got a butter face
All of his tattoos are okay, but the throat tattoo is the one that makes me most moist.
Awesomeness redefined.
cool guy!
some kind of sex god LOL
but finally, a man! not a wimpy little boy with skinny girl arms and emo written all over his face. very enjoyable photo 🙂
ahem…on fait ca comment? chez moi ou chez toi??? :]
Butter face?? Are you kidding me? This is hotness defined, the essence of sex. Dayum.
And personally, I like the cow. It’s quirky.
Yep, that is what a man should look like, mmmmm
the cow is froma record by dutch sxe/thrashcore band Larm from the 80′s. Kind of in line with the Fear of God tattoo- legendary swiss grind band.
Oh yes. The HAWTNESS.
Angela Lansbury FTW!
I bet he has one of those weird barbed lemur cocks.
oh my GOD… he is… i have no words. mmmmmmmmmm.
Well, I wouldn’t let him kick me out of bed.
tough guy really…
Oh my god……… *drools* He is a beaut!