You folks are swell sometimes, you know that? After Twyla Sue showed up earlier in the week with his veritable cabinet of curiosities, Parker checks in with another jackalope tattoo? Two jackalope tattoos in one week, for reals? Is it our birthday? (It is not our birthday.) Except, of course, because Parker is not so much a human with flaws as she is a perfect being from somewhere among the cosmos, this is not just a jackalope, but a jackalope crossed with a goddamned owl, which, hey. In fact, this jaunty fellow is Fairfax, the jackalope owl, just hanging out and having a cup of peppermint tea. He likes long walks on the beach and arts and crafts involving nature.
And just like that, it’s Friday, ModBloggers, and there’s a knife on the floor.
(Tattoo by Tara Quinn at Freakshow Tattoos in San Antonio, Texas.)
I love that tattoo more than is perhaps healthy.
I love that tattoo more than is perhaps healthy.
I second this
I second this
hahahahaha what the fuck!? I kind of love it
hahahahaha what the fuck!? I kind of love it
This is brilliant I love it!
This is brilliant I love it!
this is so bizarre and odd and wonderful, i can’t help but love it.
this is so bizarre and odd and wonderful, i can’t help but love it.
Oh my! how beautiful!!!!
Oh my! how beautiful!!!!
this is easily one of the most terrifying things i’ve ever seen. and i love it.
this is easily one of the most terrifying things i’ve ever seen. and i love it.
Not sure abut owl. My first thought was Jabberwocky.
Not sure abut owl. My first thought was Jabberwocky.
I’m betting it is not a jackalope, but it’s a wolpertinger, seriously go google wolpertinger (basically a jackalope with wings)
I’m betting it is not a jackalope, but it’s a wolpertinger, seriously go google wolpertinger (basically a jackalope with wings)
actually, it IS a jackalope owl….I was drawing a jackalope, and got bored of drawing the body. I’ve never even heard of a wolferthinger.
actually, it IS a jackalope owl….I was drawing a jackalope, and got bored of drawing the body. I’ve never even heard of a wolferthinger.
And he’s having a nice spot of tea, was it, Tara? Once again, lovely tattoo. I’d be more than proud to wear something by you some day.
And he’s having a nice spot of tea, was it, Tara? Once again, lovely tattoo. I’d be more than proud to wear something by you some day.
Someone stole it and copied it.
Someone stole it and copied it.