The last time we featured Lewis Dodd here on ModBlog, we were all admiring his fantastic back-piece, but did you know Mr. Dodd is a body modification practitioner (at Glorybound Tattoo in Exmouth, UK), too? (Well, yeah, you almost surely did.) With that said, here’s a silicone finger implant done by him, one month old in this photo. We’ve seen trans/microdermals in this area before that have healed well, but—and this is just our own typical discomfort talking, here—we can’t help but think something like this would drive us crazy. But hey, in terms of the inherent problems and difficulties working in such a small area and given that it looks relatively happy a month into the healing process? We give this one an “A” for effort at the very least.
See more in “3D-Art Implants“ (Implants) (members only)