Transverse Vertical Lobes featuring Mega Tragus!

Tobias shared this photo of his new Transverse Vertical lobes. If that sounds too confusing just take a peek and see what we’re talking about.

transverse lobe

From the bottom up and out!

These were done by none other than our buddy Sean Phillips.

Also there is for sure something to be said about that completely rad mega tragus piercings! We actually covered them before but they’re looking better than ever with all that bling!

Joke’s On Me!

Normally my piercer mind would group these self done permanent piercings on Stormchaser into the “That’ll never heal” category. I am however frequently surprised at the things folks can keep long term. These are all seven years old! If you’ve never heard the term “Permanent Piercing” take a look at the BME Wiki page for it.
permpierceClick through to see the placement of these permanent piercings!

Surprise! Its not genitals! Threw you a curve ball this time.

permpierce2 permpierce3

Getting Your Nails Done

I ran across Pahakaksonen’s nail bed tattoo in the gallery today and it got me thinking that although we’ve talked about nail bed tattoos before I don’t know that I’ve ever seen one where the nail has fully regrown.

Giving directions just got way easier

Giving directions just got way easier

 I would imagine that healing a missing fingernail isn’t the easiest thing in the world, so the fact that more ink didn’t fall out of this is pretty neat. I can clearly tell what it is, and I wonder if it will hold up as well (or better) than a conventional tattoo.

Click through to shed a little more light on the situation.

Get it...a little more light? No? Nothing?

Get it…a little more light? No? Nothing?

Power Portfolio: Karla “Pinky” Grimes


In this new Modblog piece we will be featuring artist portfolios that have been uploaded to any of the the Awesome BME Portfolio Galleries! Our small way of saying thank you to all of the talented artists who submit their work to BME.

This time we’re taking a look at Karla “Pinky” Grimes! Shes a professional piercer  at Pinky’s Piercings in Champaign, IL. Click through to see some select portfolio pieces and be sure to check out her personal BME gallery!


backprojectfinal earfinal earfinal2 earfinal3 HeartsFinal tonguefinal

If you are a modifcation artist of any kind and would like to be featured on  Power Portfolio simply e-mail your portfolio submissions to [email protected]

Curt Autry Controversy

There has been a bit of controversy the last few days over a few statements from NBC reporter Curt Autry.

Below are the comments in question.

controversy2 .

Personally, I don’t think members of this community should be particularly surprised that an NBC reporter doesn’t quite fancy our lifestyle. I do, however, believe that as an “Emmy winning investigative reporter” you’re somewhat obligated to understand proper terminology at the very least. I personally contacted Curt Autry offering to sit down for an interview about the body modification community…I haven’t received a reply.
At any rate a lot of folks have had plenty to say about these statements, What do you think?