Florida takes first steps to ban suspension

So I just saw on Allen‘s page that the APP so wowed the Florida Department of Health with their presentation that the conclusion of the meeting included the following ruling:

Sooooo…. If suspension is medicine in Florida (rather than art or religion, which are protected), does that mean it’s covered by your medical insurance if your therapist says a suspension might do you some good? And does that mean that when you go to medical school you get training in doing suspensions? Not fucking likely. Just another example of calling something medicine when it’s not in order to come up with an excuse for suppressing a subculture that doesn’t seem quite so bigotted to the plainskins.

I think if I was going to legally mandate anything regarding suspension, it would be the presence of someone who’s experienced as a rock climber and is a solid rigger and an experienced body piercer, not someone know-it-all-know-nothing-relevant who went to medical school and understands effectively nothing about the issues (let alone motivations) involved with suspension.

BME Newsfeed for Jul 7, 2006

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