Dolphin Tail Tattoo

I’m told this tattoo by Tony Q at Inkline in Orlando, FL is of a dolphin tail, but I have to admit that “Whale Tail! Whale Tail!” is what went through both Phil and my heads. Now, I don’t know about Phil, but I know my excuse is I have simply seen too many movies with “Whale Tail” in the title.

Phil tells me it has something to do with thongs, but he’s well, less of a film buff.

BME Newsfeed for May 10, 2006

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I’m not convinced this is a good idea.

Ah yes, let’s drive some nice deep solid captive bead rings up some girl’s spine. I’m sorry. I hate criticizing work that gets sent to me, because I feel like I’m like punching someone who has offered to help me in the gut and I feel all guilty, but come on piercers… it’s been well known how to do [relatively] successful surface piercings for a long time!

I sincerely apologize for using the person in the photo like this, but I really feel strongly that unless I’m misreading things and this was only meant to last a little while and leave a line of scars, it’s just so wrong to still see piercings being done like this.

Dune Tattoo (and brand)

I’ve been seeing a lot of Dune tattoos lately… I’m not sure what happened to bring about the resurgence, but I’m not complaining. My own simplified version of this reads Stay Calm. The main one pictured here is by Shawn at Mos Eisley Tattoo on Tatooine in Grand Rapids, MI. The branding (which basically says the same thing in Braille) is on an old friend scarred by Blair who is just finishing up a NYC tour.

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.