Hanging out at BMEFest 2011

We’re starting to get pictures from BMEFest 2011 sent into the galleries, and this first one comes from Tobias and it features his very first suspension.  Cere from ROP facilitated the suspension, but he wasn’t alone in helping Tobias get off the ground.  With the support of everyone around, especially that of the photographer, Miss McShady, Tobias managed to get in the air and had an incredible experience.  This photo below sums up not only his suspension, but also the general vibe of the weekend.  Good friends enjoying the company of others, and having a lot of fun.

Oh, and in case you’ve never been to a BME event before, this close-up should give you an idea of just what kind of fun was had.

Yes, that is a double ended dildo.

Keep an eye out for more photos from the party!

Pigs… in… space!!!

Alright, so maybe it’s just a guinea pig, but it is still in space.  I’m not sure exactly what the apple means, or if it’s just a separate piece done by the same artist, but the guinea pig in space goes back to the launch of Sputnik 9 in 1961, which had a guinea pig as a passenger.

Tattoo by Arad Bert, from Kipod Tattoo in Tel Aviv, Israel.

The scars of anarchy

For today’s final scar piece, we’re going back to the beginning with another scar from Lary at Larypiercing in Finland.  There’s not much to say for this one as the work speaks for itself.  It’s super clean, even, and all the lines and nice and sharp.  You pretty much can’t ask for any better with a straight cutting piece.  Granted when you think of it, with something so precise and controlled, the subject matter is a little ironic.

Y Ddraig Goch

Earlier today we saw how Supa got the brands on his face.  While the heated scalpel is one method, another is where an electro-cautery tool is used to create the brand.  You may have seen them in your doctor’s office as they’re normally used to burn off moles and cauterize small wounds.  When applied to the skin for extended periods of time, you end up with a brand that looks a lot like this Welsh Dragon by Quentin from Kalima Emporium, located in Sussex, UK.


As we continue with today’s scarstravaganza, we’ve got something by a new artist.  This ram scarification is only the 4th one that Chris Shelafoe has ever done.  It’s located on the back of a calf, and I’m guessing it’s on someone small as you can see the scale of it next to his thumb.  I’m curious to see how this one heals up as there was a lot of skin peeled off in parts, plus some interesting cuts in the face of the ram.  It also looks to be pretty even which is difficult to accomplish as a new artist in a removal that big.  The pools of blood are giving it a false sense of depth in spots and should be overlooked.

Chris works at Rendezvous Tattoo & Body Piercing in Marquette, MI.

Just a quick update:  A couple of artists have mentioned that this cutting may be too deep in places.  While I’m sure it will heal, they’ve asked me to relay the message that a cutting which removes large sections should be done by artists when they have a bit more experience.

Too hot to handle

Last week we got a look at Supa’s amazing facial brandings.  Today we’ll see just how Anti from the Kaptive8 Suspension Krew set about creating those designs on Supa’s skull.  There are many ways to perform a branding, and each way can heal differently even on the same person.  I want to say that this is a strike branding, but because he’s heating up a scalpel, it looks like he’s cutting the designs into the flesh and cauterizing the wound at the same time, whereas a strike branding involves the hot object being placed on the skin.  No matter what you call it though, it’s going to hurt.

The Slithering Scar

Over the past few days we’ve had quite a few submissions to the scarification galleries.  So I decided today is going to be only scarification and branding photos.  We’ve got a wide range of artists from all over the world, and to start us off is Lary from Larypiercing in Finland with this snake scar.

Lary actually sent in quite a few photos, and we’ll be seeing him again later today.  He’s also going to be featured in this week’s Friday Follow-up, so keep an eye out for that as well.

Blue lights, big nostrils

As far back as people have been putting holes in themselves, they’ve also been shoving anything they could find into said holes.  Gnomoweb is no different.  With his big nostrils and septum, he’s able to get what I think is a mini-light saber, all the way through his nose.  He’s also got a big hole in his lip for a lip plate, but you can’t really see it in this photo.

Here there be beetles

When I saw this, the first thing that came to my mind is that scene from The Mummy involving beetles crawling underneath the skin.  This scar by Lary from Larypiercing in Finland is a much more realistic portrayal of a beetle tearing through the skin.  Take a close look at the upper segments of the wings, Lary used cross-hatching to give the scar texture when it heals.