Family Ink

In this photo you see four family members — a father, an older brother, and twin younger brothers — all of which have a Roman Numeral “III” tattooed on them. If you look carefully you can see that the shading is slightly different on all of them. The father has all three digits tattooed black. The oldest brother has the first one tattooed black, and the older twin has the second digit black, and the youngest twin has his third digit tattooed black. What a wonderful way to record ones’ bond in flesh.

This is harder on my eyes than Guitar Hero.

Sometimes I worry that people will get bored because I post work by a number of artists quite regularly, but then I realize that I don’t particularly care because I post what I like, not what I think will generate viewers… And I remember how mad I was when public schools started switching to “everyone should win a prize” instead of “the best people get the prizes” — so I again bring you some wonderful geometric work on Davy by Vincent Hocquet from Beautiful Freak Tattoo in St. Idesbald, Belgium.

I continue to greatly admire his skill.