Twin Compasses

You know, I wasn’t going to post today, but I figure I can add a few quickies. Check out vociferation‘s new John Donne tattoo — oh, and it’s a matching tattoo; check her gallery for those pictures…

If they be two, they are two so
As stiff twin compasses are two;
Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show
To move, but doth, if th other do.
And though it in the centre sit,
Yet when the other far doth roam,
It leans, and hearkens after it,
And grows erect, as that comes home.
Such wilt thou be to me, who must
Like th other foot, obliquely run;
Thy firmness makes my circle just,
And makes me end, where I begun.

BME Newsfeed for Aug 1, 2006

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Attaching sunglasses to piercings?

Wow, I never thought this idea for piercing jewelry-attached eyeglasses patent would actually make it into production (it’s different than the pierced eyeglasses that BME has covered in the past). Barry sent me a link to what appears to be a commercialization of that patent, “ATTITUDE“, a pair of sunglasses that clip onto your eyebrow piercings rather than resting on your ears.

How stupid is commercializing that idea? I’ve got no problem with “experts” (people who understand their bodies) playing with things that don’t always work, but don’t push this stuff on a market that may not know better. I mean, unless the goal of the product is to get eyebrow piercings to reject, I just don’t see it being worth it. And anyone who really is in “the committed depths of Body Modification” (as they claim to be) should know that. It doesn’t matter what release mechanism you build in — even tiny amounts of pressure on an eyebrow piercing can radically speed up rejection.

Yes, you too could be this cool.

Well, I suppose there’s a sucker that doesn’t know any better born every minute — after all, think about how many people are perfectly willing to wear low-grade dollar-wholesale (or less) barbells (I’d say 90%+ of the market). Maybe they’ll make lots of money off this, and I’m sure they’ll even be able to find some leather skinned people who can wear them in the long term and post here complaining that rejection is not a risk… but personally I wouldn’t wear these if I cared about keeping my piercings as long as possible.

Explaining Love in Tattoos

From BME’s love themed tattoo gallery, here’s two ways of talking about love. On the left we’ll start with a simple love letter, on Lil Miss Strange by Lucas in Beerse, Belgium. On the right is a tattoo by Mark at On Edge in The Netherlands, with a slightly more indepth explanation — “love is the reunification of the two halves of a split soul”.

Simple Facial Tattoo Work

I blew the lines out a bit because I edited the photo on the wrong computer (it’s solid in real life), but I quite like Bronte‘s facial tattoo, which you can see in more detail on her IAM page — it’s sort of a mix between street punk tattooing and something a bit more delicate? Applied by Jarrod Richardson at Psycho Clown in Ft. Worth, TX.

PS. More tattooed faces, heads, and necks.