BME Newsfeed for Jun 18, 2006

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BME Newsfeed for Jun 17, 2006

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!

“A tribute to my dog”

I’ll let the letter speak for itself:

Hi. My name is Kristin. About a year ago, I was in a pet store in Langhorne, PA. There was this “aweful” looking little puppy with no hair except for a mohawk on his bald little wrinkly head being sold for $1,000. I’m not for buying dogs from pet stores, but this little dog totally belonged to me! The next day, I went back to the pet store and he was mine.

Long story short, I named him Pee Wee Martini and he is entered in this year’s World’s Ugliest Dog contest held in Petaluma, CA. I’m traveling cross country hoping Pee Wee will get this year’s title. You can see pictures of Pee Wee and vote for him to win by following the links at

So… I have never loved a living creature as much as I love little Pee Wee Martini so I decided to get a Pee Wee Martini tribute tattoo. It is one of my more simple tattoos, but by far, my most favorite!