No modblog today, but…

Those of you with experience editing wikis, we’re converting the BME encyclopedia to that interface. It’s not going to be public access for now (the editing), so I really really need editors — click here for more information on how to sign up.

The “I don’t want to grow up” classic Nintendo controller tattoo here is by Pugzley at Black Cat Tattoo in Austin, TX. Sorry I couldn’t post more today, but I need to focus on this other work tonight. I will post tomorrow though!

BME Newsfeed for Apr 12, 2006

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!

Great abstract colour sleeve

I just love this sleeve of abstract Japanese forms (“one arm down, one to go”). The work is by Watson Atkinson at 13 Roses in Atlanta, Georgia. Normally when I post photos here I clean them up, fix the saturation, and so on, but in this case I’m presenting it as is, because I wanted to show just what a cool looking tattoo it is without you wondering whether maybe it was my editing that did it.

Hey, at least it was free

Never say tattoo artists (and clients) don’t have a sense of humor. It’s not uncommon for a shop to have a joke tattoo that anyone can get for free… When I worked at Stainless Studios, it was a really cheesy “eye heart boobs” design. At Metro Tattoo in Tucson, Arizona, they have a tattoo of the month.

I’m not sure that I’m going to be getting an appointment with Allen Hoeflinger any time soon to get my own cartoon monkey jerking off in tattoo form, but this dude seems thrilled with both the tattoo and the price… you can’t beat free, right?

KISS tongue tattoo

This tongue tattoo is by Alex at Studio Enigma in Queens, Howard Beach. At first I just assumed it was a gimmick, because it says “kiss” and it’s on a tongue, but now that I think of it a bit more, since she’s also got “Poison” tattooed on her lower lip (wait for the BME update later in the week to see that), I’m thinking maybe it’s music inspired?

(Oh, and yes, this will almost certainly fall out fairly quickly).

Brian Griffin Tattoo (Family Guy)

Mostly I’m posting this because I’m a fan of the show. The tattoo was done at Texas Tattoo Emporium in Houston.

Brian: Look you can’t run away from your problems Chris. That’s what I tried to do. I joined the Peace Corps and a day later I was two continents away.

…but 6,000 miles and all the dope I could smoke still couldn’t separate me from my problems. And this was good dope. I mean it was growing everywhere. Oh my God! This one time we got so baked we ended up eating all the food at the food the World Health Organization had airlifted in. Oh man those villagers were so pissed! They tried to chase us, but lemme just say thank God for polio.

I <3 Komando

I know, I’ve said this a ton of times on BME and on my personal blog, but I just love komando‘s look… I hope she doesn’t get mad at me for saying this, but it’s just so cute and adorable! I wish more heavy modded people were so happy looking… too many people want to focus on being cool or badass instead of focusing on just enjoying being themselves I think.