Does this count for Movember?

We’re 2 weeks away from Movember (or No Shave November if you prefer) so now’s the perfect time to start getting ready to send in those pictures of some fantastic facial hair.  The question now is, does Joeltron‘s stretched lobes to septum ‘stache count?

Oh, and of course we can’t forget his implants, piercings, lip disc and his tattooed eyeball.

Ringing in the ears

We haven’t seen some implant related procedural shots in a while so here’s some from Mike Grant.  The first photo is him creating the pocket in that thin layer between the skin and the cartilage on the ear, and the second it the final result, small circle implant.

Thumbs up for implants

One of the toughest parts of being a modification artist that tours is that you end up doing work on people in another country that you could possibly never see again.  Which is why artists love it when they get photos from their clients showing off just how much they like whatever work they’ve had done.  A few months back Efix was down in Australia working out of The Piercing Urge in Melbourne where he was able to give Adam a 3D-implant.  Four months later, he got this picture in his inbox.

I think it’s safe to say he likes it.

Backstage pass

When it comes to suspension photos, especially ones from the #Leeds Suspension Team, the main focus is on the person suspending.  Now I mention the #Leeds team not only because this photo is from one of their suspensions, but because their team is mostly performance based, with their suspensions being part of either a live show or a photoshoot.  Of course, without the team behind the suspensions, we wouldn’t get such amazing photos from them, like these two photos from back in March.  So here’s a shot of Arseniy looking on backstage while the subject of the shoot hangs above in the invisible chair suspension.

Who said Greek men are horny?

Well it turns out some of them are.  Greek artist Stefanos from Nico Tattoo Crew in Thessaloniki sent in these photos of some horn implants he upgraded. To start with, here’s the horns as they were before the increase in size.

Here they are after the first implant replacement.

And the finished product.

While these photos show you the size comparison, the photos in the 3D-implant gallery show you Stefanos doing the procedure.