Celtic Colonel Sanders Tattoo

I just got this email from Ryan at Precision Body Arts, and had to share it right away —

Subject: a weird ass KFC tattoo

This was so bizarre I had to send it along. Nik Kelley (iam:rabid muntjac) got bored here and drew up a KFC Colonel Sanders made out of Celtic chickens, then he somehow talked one of his friends into getting it tattooed on him that same day.


They need to be turned on and ridden hard…

I’m referring to the bikes. But besides the bikes, on the right, Mary Sparks (see also Dolls of Evolved), and on the left with the airbrushed flame bike, Fancy Heart (photo by Chris Thornton). I feel like I might have mixed up some credits between the two photos, so please correct me if I did. I got distracted. Err, Happy Valentines Day.