Healed Scars

When I recently posted the scar of the hand that was in its healing phase, I was sent an email asking me to post more fully healed scarifications (what, don’t like them fresh?). Below are two good examples, with the one on the left (the heart cutting) being done about two years ago by John Joyce at Scarab Body Arts in Syracuse, NY. The one on the right (the floral/leaf pattern) is about five months old, cut by David at Slave to the Needle in Seattle, WA.

The Mote in Tattoo’s Eye

A customer of Evan‘s (Color Works in West Des Moines, IA) asked him to have the eye he had tattooed on “shine” — here comes a microdermal to the rescue! Anyway, that’s it for today (sorry), but I’ve been thinking about the ModBlog Scrapbook idea a bit more and I’d be happy to take the time to assemble it if people are interested — it would basically be a print “best of” for ModBlog since it began in August 2005.

New Year’s in Newcastle, Australia

It was so hot up here in the Northern hemisphere on New Year’s that we went to the beach as well… I didn’t even realize when I got these photos they were from Tinaxo down in Australia (from the same event as the entry below) — I thought it was a shot up here! I don’t know if that’s a reflection on the reality of global warming or the reality of me being delusional.