“Hello sir and how are you today?”

Here’s Alexis suspending with the First Class trains on Platform 1 with Diddy and Delta9 (South Coast Suspensions, UK). I love guerilla suspension! You may remember them from their lightpole suspension, and other guerilla suspensions have been featured in the past here as well — off a tank, in Las Vegas, off a bridge (or something), and lots more in various BME galleries (and there’s even guerilla aftercare).

Dog Scar

I can’t decide if this dog scarification by John Joyce (see also: John Joyce scar gallery on BME) is sweet or creepy — either way it’s very well done. I imagine over the next few years it will go through a number of different looks, perhaps eventually being tattooed to accentuate it when it ages completely. I still think that scar-tattoo fusion is going to being a very important artform.

What, you’ve got a better source of inspiration?

Maxwell Brand (seen here a couple times before) writes of his tattoo based on a ModBlog feature from June 5th, 2006 (a difficult choice due to the blown out lighting and unusual proportions),

“My friend Sean Herman of All or Nothing Tattoo was going to tattoo me, but I hadn’t come up with something to get. I flipped through pages of ModBlog pics until I found this gorgeous girl. Then, Sean tattooed her on me. So, it should probably be a ModBlog feature itself…. haha.”

Maxwell, I agree entirely that I need to post this. I love meta-references and meta-jokes, so this is definitely getting modblogged! I wonder what BreedTheCancer (the person whose portrait makes up the tattoo) will think when she finds out (assuming she doesn’t know already) about the tattoo — and being featured a second time in this unusual way.

That brown stuff is betadine, right?

I recently asked on my IAM page who people felt the best piercer in their area was (if you’re an IAM member, you can still take part in that poll by clicking here). In Scotland, LittleJohn from Metalurgey in Dundee was a name that kept coming up. Still, I don’t think I’m going to be asking him for an anal piercing… I’m sure he’d do a fine job, but it’s just not my thing.